She lifted her head off my chest and looked up at me, “What if you are on one side of the battlefield and I am on another side, in danger, and near Ian? I could call out for him with my mind to save me.”

“You will not be on the battlefield.”

“If my kings are there, then I am there.”

I snarled at her.

She curved her lips into a smile. “We will beat our enemies together.”

“You will remain hidden and safe far away from the war—”

“I will not.” Sudden rage blazed in her eyes. “King. . .I want to fight next to you—”


“It is what I want.” She scowled. “Do not fight me on this.”

Instantly, a foreign pressure pushed through my chest. I had no idea what the source was, I just knew I could not stop it.

What is this?

She watched me. “Do you understand?”

I strained against this pressure. I wanted to fight her on this. But this. . .sensation. . .it was all inside of my core, building.

What is going on with me?

I could not form the words to disagree, and even when I tried to say the thoughts of no in my mind, my head began to hurt.

Why can’t I argue back?

“Good. Thank you for understanding, Xander.” Camille rested her head against me and closed her eyes. “I love you so much.”

She loves me.

And suddenly I forgot whatever it was I wanted to say as I gazed down at my beautiful queen.

All mine.

Next, I slipped my view down to her stomach and imagined all the babies I would put there. I wanted many—six at a time if possible.

And there I saw them everywhere—our children. They played and ran around us. Tons of them—thirty. Maybe even forty. They laughed. They giggled. Many climbed over me as they chased after their siblings.


Someone knocked at the door.

Frowning, I opened my eyes. “Yes?!”

Ian’s voice sounded from the other side. “The Ground Mover is here.”

“Tell him that we are still sleeping, I am not done making love to my queen just yet—”

“We are done, Xander.” Camille slowly rose.

I glared. “We are not done. I was resting for a few minutes—”

“We are done.” She slid away.

I tried to grab her.

In a blur, she dodged my hands and left the bed.

I blinked. “You are fast.”

“Get dressed. Let’s see why the Ground Mover is here.”

Chapter 31

Great Restraint


Come on, Xander. Put your cock in your pants and get down here.

I leaned against the wall.

Standing by the opened front door, the Ground Mover watched me in silence. Last night, his face had held a friendly and welcoming expression. He had given us a wealth of funny stories.

Tonight, there was no hint of humor. Just a neutral expression. A mask that clung tightly to him, not giving away his thoughts.

What has changed? Does he know about Seraphine and the blood mages? Did his spies possibly overhear our plans?

Leeta came over to the Ground Mover. “Can I offer you some tea?”

He waved his hand. “No, thank you. I will not be having tea at this time.”

Something is definitely wrong.

Leeta half bowed and then stepped back.

I studied him, wondering if I could defeat the old man if necessary.

It may not be that easy.

They called him the Ground Mover. I doubted it was a fun little nickname. I guessed that he could in fact make the ground move under his command.

If I shifted into battle form and rushed to attack him, would he open up the very ground under my feet and watch me fall in?

How dangerous is he?

Xander and Camille finally came downstairs and stood next to me.

The Ground Mover turned his view to Xander. “We must go and talk.”

Xander leaned his head to the side. “Just me?”

No. We cannot let them separate us.

The Ground Mover let his gaze fall over Camille and then me. “Yes. I think that would be best.”

I looked at Xander.

Do not go with him.

He gazed at me. “Protect my queen.”

We should be protecting you too. You are our king.

I gritted my teeth. “Ground Mover, it is such a nice night. I believe we all should come.”

“You are correct.” Ground Mover put his view on the window. “It is a nice evening. We have moved our wedding festivities up to this evening so that all of you could participate.”

I quirked my brows. “We are invited to the events?”

“If we have agreed to possibly die together in war.” Ground Mover gave me a sad smile. “Then, surely, we can laugh and celebrate together. So yes, you are invited.”

My nerves did not relax. “Still, it would be nice for all of us to take a walk.”

“Soon.” Ground Mover nodded. “But not now. It must only be Xander and me.”

I don’t like this.

Xander watched me.

Do you know what I am thinking? What are your thoughts?

Xander turned back to Ground Mover. “Then, let us go. You appear worried and not like your usual calm self.”