Alright. Xander is at least paying attention.

Xander walked over to the Ground Mover. “You are my friend. We took a journey long ago to make sure you were free from the Quiet King and back with your family.”

Good. Remind him of what you have done for him, Xander.

Ground Mover bobbed his head. “I would not have seen my daughter, Tru grow up if not for you. In fact. . .I would not be here to see her wedding. I owe more than my life to you, Xander. I owe my loyalty.”

Only then did my nerves calm. And even then, I still wasn’t sure if the mage was not being deceitful.

Mages were known for their cunning nature and ability to manipulate others. Long ago, my father told me that they had the ability to lie and deceive with ease, making them particularly dangerous to deal with if one was not careful.

He also added that the mage elders were even able to use their knowledge of magic to read the emotions and intentions of those around them, allowing these mages to tailor their lies to fit the situation.

Can we really trust him?

“I will be back soon.” Xander kissed Camille’s cheek and headed off.

Be cautious, Xander.

I watched as Xander followed the Ground Mover out of the house.

Please, Ambi. Let this be okay.

The door closed behind them.

Camille came over and placed her hand on my shoulder. “You’re worried that the Ground Mover could be leading Xander into a trap?”

I stared at the closed door. “Now that we know about the blood mages and their power, we need to keep a closer eye on the other mages.”

Leeta went by the window and gazed out of it. “I also don’t trust the Ground Mover anymore.”

“Me either.” I frowned.

Camille nodded. “I agree. But we also need to be careful. We don’t know what he’s capable of.”

I clenched my fists. “I won’t let anything happen to Xander or you. We have come too far.”

Camille got in front of me. “I think we are safe for now. There’s no way he learned about what happened to me with Seraphine.”

I put my view on her. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because the gods ordained my finding Seraphine in my dream. It means that we are protected.”

“But, it does not meant that they don’t know.”

Leeta sighed from the window. “From my small knowledge of mages, if they felt a threat. . .we would already have been attacked.”

“Good point.” I looked at her. “Still, I think you should follow Xander and the Ground Mover, Leeta. If you pass any of our other men, have them come with you too. But stay far behind.”

“I will.” She hurried off.

Camille and I went over to the window, watching as Leeta disappeared into the night.

A sense of unease washed over me.

The Ground Mover’s words echoed in my mind, reminding me of the upcoming wedding festivities.

Why did he feel the need to invite us? Does he truly see us as aligned? Or is it like Seraphine said, they will fight with us against the Quiet King in the war, and then kill us later?

My mind raced with many questions.

Or could Seraphine be wrong? She only sees them as enemies, but could they truly be our friends?

Camille placed a hand on my arm, bringing me back to the present.

I whispered, “Something was off about the Ground Mover tonight.”

“I noticed it too. He’s not the smiling man from last night.”

“He is not.”

“But, do you think he is worried or are we in danger?”

“I do not know.” I scanned the outside space of our window, searching for other mages around and saw nothing.

Granted that meant nothing.

Earth mages could hide themselves in the soil and appear later.

Further away, I spotted tons of mages decorating the village. Fire mages shot small heart-shaped lights from their fingers. To my shock, the lights connected to the trees and dangled as if it was the trees’ fruit. They twinkled in the night.

On other trees, colorful lanterns hung from the branches, casting an enchanting glow over the entire village.

Some of the streets were lined with flower petals of all colors and aromas.

Camille spoke, “We may be paranoid. They truly are planning to celebrate.”

“Perhaps, mages can multitask—kill us and then get married.” I moved away from the window and placed my attention on her. As soon as I did, Xander’s scent caught my nostrils. It was all over her body.

Dear Ambi. Did he leave any part of our queen untouched?

I curved my lips into a smile. “The bond is re-formed?”

She blushed. “It is.”

I tilted my head to the side. “And how do you feel about that, little queen?”

“For the first time. . .I welcome it.”

“You finally see the significance of the connection?”

“I do.” She glanced back out at the window. “I just think it is a little unfair at times.”