“Xander!” She moaned and writhed against me as I continued pleasuring her body.

Our movements became wilder and wilder as time passed, until finally a strong, powerful orgasm ripped through us both. Her wet pussy hugged my cock.

We soared in ecstasy, the power of our bond amplified by the mystical magic of our blood.

Sparkling energy swirled around us and we drowned in an orgasmic trance of euphoria.

Camille! My Queen!

Wave after wave jerked my body. I gripped her hard, terrified that she would slip away.

We had to stay connected for eternity, united in passion.

Divided by no one and nothing.


Both of us moaning, our eyes locked in a deep gaze of love and passion.

I could not tell you how long our orgasms went on. So long, my limbs shivered and numbed. So long, I collapsed against her, out of breath and exhausted.

Completely satiated, my fangs rushed back into my gums.

My horns left too.

Silent minutes passed as we remained connected.

When I finally lifted my head and pulled out of her, it was as if I was waking up from a dream.

Dear Ambi.

I rolled off her and fell back onto the bed.

Her lush thoughts slipped into my mind. I can’t believe he is all mine.

Panting, I whispered back into her head, and I am yours for eternity.

She turned my way and placed her hand on my chest. “I am going to have to get used to you back in my head.”

“You must.” I looked at her. “Because I love being there so much. It is addicting.”

Coming closer to me, Camille pressed her body against mine and rested her head on my chest. She was an oasis of soft curves and smooth skin—my own personal paradise.

A long sigh left me.

If only we could lay like this forever with no worries, no problems coming our way. Just this happy bliss of peace.

Then, my thoughts turned dark.

The Quiet King was out there, heading our way and ready to strike.

War was coming, and I couldn’t shake the obvious feeling that we were all in grave danger.

I stiffened.

“Xander?” Camille’s voice brought me back to the present. “Is everything okay?”

I took a deep breath and forced a smile. “Everything’s fine. I just. . .I can’t lose you, Camille. You mean everything to me.”

She ran her fingertips along the muscle on my stomach. “I will be safe, Xander. I promise.”

I kissed her forehead, harder this time.

She pushed her thoughts in my head. It will all be okay, Xander. Relax and enjoy this moment.

I curved my lips into a smile.

And just like that. . .despite the looming threat of war, I experienced an immediate sense of hope and relief.

How does she do that?

Her visions played out in my mind. And I had no idea if she knew I was looking at them. But in her head, Camille, Ian, and I stood on a war-torn battlefield and gazed at the Quiet King’s dead body.

I pushed my words in her head. Yes, Queen. You are correct.

You can see that?

I can.

Good. That is our future.

Together, we would overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious.

I held my queen closer in my arms, lost in the depths of our love and passion.

As each minute passed I knew that nothing could ever break the bond between us. In her arms, I had found my true home, and I would fight to protect her, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

Her voice entered my head. Xander?

Utterly in peace, I closed my eyes. Yes, my queen.

I am glad the blood bond is back.

A huge smile spread across my face. Me too, Camille. And it is stronger than ever.


I don’t know. Perhaps. . .because. . .we are stronger. . .

She tensed against me. Earlier, when I was out in the woods with Seraphine, I moved fast like Ian and you. Like a very powerful vampire.

I slowly opened my eyes as she delivered those visions to me—there she was fast and blurring to Seraphine. I couldn’t help but speak out loud, “Are you sure that is how you remember it? The brain is a tricky organ.”

“I was so fast I shocked her and me.”

I nodded. “Then, good. I want you as powerful as possible.”

“I thought the same thing. However. . .”

I quirked my brows.

She shifted the conversation back to our heads. To be safe, you should also establish a blood bond with Ian.

I frowned. My fangs will not be entering his body.

It can be his arm or shoulder.


King. . .we must be strong for the days to come. The ability to speak in each other’s minds will give us an advantage over not only the Quiet King, but the mages too.

I considered that fact, and hated that she was correct.

And. . .

My frown deepened. And?

Her voice slipped back into my head. Ian and I should have a blood bond too.

A dark growl left me.

The walls vibrated around us.