We were locked down, all family members accounted for, and bracing for just about anything.

And I wasn’t happy to crawl into cold, empty sheets that night. I phoned Gigi when I was in them. Needing her voice. Wanting her warmth. Wanting to smell that candy floss and citrus while feeling her tight heat ripple around me.



“Jesse,” her voice seemed full of emotion. “How are you?”

“Shit. You?”

“Sorry, baby.”

“Rough one,” I muttered. “Wish you were here. How was your day?”

“Good. Um… really good, actually. The girls are here for the night and they’re so sweet. Your momma’s amazing with them.”

“Glad to hear that,” I said.

“Miss you,” she whispered.

“Good. I’m feelin’ the same, especially after today.”

“Why was today so shit?”

“Don’t worry about it. Just know that we’re closin’ in on the end of the bullshit.”

“That’s good,” she breathed.

“What’re you doin’?”

“I’m strumming. Journaling. Tryin’ to play quiet.”

“Ma sleeps like the dead.”

“She’d have to with how loud Archer snores.”

I snickered. “Yeah. What’re you journaling about? Using it as an outlet?”

“I had an idea for a song.”

“Hope you’ll play it for me.”

“I dunno.”

“You ever play your songs for anyone?”

“Not really. Used to dream about hearin’ them on the radio, but never me singing them. Sometimes when I write them, I write them with an artist in mind.”

“Like who?”

“I’m too embarrassed to tell you.”

“Will you play one for me now? Play quiet now for me.”

“I’m kinda shy about it.”

“I’d like to hear.”

“They’re probably not any good.”

“Still like to hear. Your voice is beautiful, baby.”

“That’s sweet to say.”

“The truth. Play some of your songs for me sometime.”

“How about I play the tune I’m tinkering with but not sing.”

“Yeah,” I said. “Do that.”

I listened to a soft melody that went on for thirty or forty seconds. And if she’d kept it up it might’ve put me to sleep. It was comforting.


“That was nice,” I said. And then I yawned. “Biker lullaby.”

She laughed softly. “I should let you get some sleep.”

“Yeah. So, I’ll either be pickin’ you up at the crack of dawn Saturday or asking Arch to bring you.”


“Want you here for the charity carwash. Bring all your gear. Settle into the swamp for now.”


“Gonna be a big day tomorrow. Lots happening and I might not get a chance to call. But you’re here Saturday whether you hear from me or not tomorrow. It’s important,” I pressed.


The way she posed my name had my back up.

“Baby, I want you by my side for that.”

The line was silent. Loaded silence.

“The page bein’ turned for the club, it’s the perfect time to bring you in and show everyone you’re in. You get me?”

“Okay,” she said softly.

“I’ll get you through it,” I promised.

She held the phone.

“You hear me?”

“Mm hm.” Her voice was small, and if I was hearing right – emotional.

“Believe me,” I ordered.

“Okay,” she said.

“See you Saturday when the sun comes up. Night baby.”

“Goodnight, baby,” she parroted.

I wanted her there with the rest of the club, where everyone would see her at my side. And taking Delia’s advice the day before, I asked Ma to ask her to get a Property of Jesse shirt made for Gigi on a rush order. Ma’s uniform supplier could make that happen, no problem.

That conversation was fun.

“Ma, how’s things?” I’d greeted.

“Things’re good. They’d be even better if you tell me you’ve gotten your head out of your ass about Gianna.”

“She not tell you?” I asked.

“Tell me what?”

“That we’re a thing.”

“Yeah, she did, JJ, but since I haven’t talked to you I don’t know how much of a thing.”

“A serious thing,” I stated.

“And that should’ve come from you. You message that you need us to look out for her a couple days and then you show up and you’re outta here and don’t call me like you’re supposed to, so I had no clue what was up.”

“What’s up is that she’s mine now and as she’s got a history with the club bein’ a sweet butt, which she never intended to be seen that way. But…”

“Circumstances,” Ma said like she totally got it.

“Yeah. And she’s uncomfortable being here right now, because bitches are bein’ bitches. I need her safe. I had a word with Arch before I left about makin’ sure he watches her.”

“Right. A word with him, not me. I’m a little put off.”

“Because you were at work.”

“Not my fault! And you didn’t call the next day like you were supposed to.”

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. “What can I do to make that right, Ma?” I asked.

She sighed. “Actually, nothing. I’m happy for you. I like her a lot, JJ.”

“Good. Can you do me another solid?”

When I said I wanted to bring her to the clubhouse Saturday with a Property of Jesse shirt on her, Ma loved the idea and readily agreed to get the shirt rushed in.

If things went right tomorrow, Saturday would be the beginning of life with a lot of bullshit behind us. I was ready to move forward. The entire club was. Forward, putting as many of the Wyld Jackals as possible out of their misery. And forward motion for me, with this girl.