Scott shrugged. “He just chirped me, sayin’ I’m lookin’ for the big cocks cuz I wanted to be stretched out again. I’ll cope. Fuckin’ douche move sayin’ what he said to you, so it’s no shocker what he just said to me.”

I ground my teeth until they squeaked at that. That Skip had the audacity to rib Scott about what the Jackals did to him on the side of the road when things first got amped around here was a dick move. Worse than that. And it said a lot about Skip that he’d do that on the side, too. He wouldn’t dare rib Scott about it in front of the other members.

“Don’t worry about it, Jess,” Scott waved his hand. “I’ve got thick skin. I definitely hit him below the belt with that, but it just rolled off the tongue because he was bein’ such a bitch to you. Don’t know if I’ve even seen the brother’s dick, to be honest. Though it says more about him than me that he’d use that as a verbal jab. What’s his problem with the Gianna sitch?”

“He brought her around first. Told her he wanted a thing with her, and she found out he was married. He’s pushed it with her and gotten away with shit he shouldn’t get away with. And he’s been sniffin’ around a little too much for my likin’. His asshole remarks on top of him sniffin’ around? He’s gettin’ on my last nerve.”

Deke approached, giving me a look of assessment.

“Need a minute with Jess, Scoot.”

“Got it,” Scott moved off.

“Don’t wanna play Judge Judy around here and hafta deal with schoolyard bullshit, but that shit back there gonna be a problem?”

“It might,” I replied.

“Only involve me if you need to. Hoping you won’t.”

“I know the protocol for beef with a brother. Givin’ it time. It don’t fizzle out, I’ll call him into the ring.”

“Good man.” He clapped the back of my neck and then squeezed. “Know it’s still early on for you, but again, you’re gonna go far in this club, brother, if that’s what you want.”

“Appreciated,” I replied.

“You should consider having her here Saturday. Make a statement.”

“Already plannin’ on it.”

“Good. Shit’s gonna be amped until then. I need you here. I know she’s not here so…” He let that hang.

“You got me. If there’s no time to pick her up, Arch’ll bring her to me. I know he’s watching her so my head’s in the game, Prez.”

“Good, good.” He slapped my back and moved off.


Thursday Night

Today was not a good fucking day. Rider’s woman’s salon was riddled with bullets while Ride and Spencer’s girls were inside with a couple of the brothers. Deke’s ex-wife caused a fuckin’ scene with a chick she brought with her. The place erupted with broken glass and bullets, and the chick with her got shot in the back by the Jackals.

No losses or injuries on our side, though. And that had me wondering if the Jackals’ sharpshooter was one of Fork’s inside guys.

The reminder of how amped things were and how much worse they might get left all of us uneasy. Deacon talked about going home to his woman with relief. Deke said something similar about having sweetness to crawl into bed with after a shit day like this and he certainly meant it given that the bitch that used to warm his bed was a big part of the day’s drama. The fact that after all that’d happened, the former Mrs. Valentine was working with the enemy had to sting not just Deke, but Deacon, Ride, and Spence, too.

“She’s dead to me,” Rider said around the table that night. The full club wasn’t present; a few were getting shit done for the big plans we had for Friday. But there were a handful of us for a quick session after the day wound down.

Deke said nothing in reply, but looked like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. And it was no surprise. His ex had hurt every one of his kids repeatedly. Now not only fraternizing with but also partnering with the club’s biggest enemy?

“She was dead to me long ago,” Spencer stated coldly.

“I’m taking measures to make sure she’s unable to fuck with any of my kids or their significant others,” Deke stated. “She’ll go away for a while.”

“Good, because if I see her again, Dad…” Spence clipped.

“I know, son,” Deke stated.

“Still crazy the Jackals put a bullet in one of the women they sent in?” Pudge stated.

“Must’ve been Fork’s inside man,” Deacon said.

“That could draw attention to him and fuck tomorrow’s plans,” Pudge put in.

“Let’s hope it doesn’t,” Spence muttered.

That bullet pierced the back of a Sioux Falls sweet butt, one with a fixation on Spence. The stupid bitch was there to help the Jackals take out Pippa so she could have Spence for herself.