It was Friday night, technically Saturday morning, and we were in the compound and about to head into the new chapel. A banner night like this needed to be marked and we were doing that by using our new chapel for the first time.

Between gathering intel, working with some cops, placement of some helpful evidence, and working with guys from a level of the underworld it was inadvisable to get tangled up with, we performed a patch-over, got some of them arrested, and we took some of them out.

We’d patched over three of their local members, one prospect for Aberdeen, but not only were they officially considered patched over by The Dominion Brotherhood overall, which was a coup to crow about, there were half a dozen fewer Jackals on the planet.

We owed some favors from some undesirables, but the common goal of wanting to take out the Wyld Jackals made it worthwhile, and we had a plan to get out from under that association quickly. For one thing, they wanted Gordino dead. The only thing they wanted more than that was to be able to do the killing themselves. We were hand-delivering him tonight.

They wanted Mantis too. But Deke told them when we found Mantis, the honor of disposal had to go to Edge.

But we were also working to help them get some of their property back.

Today involved some precision moves, timed delivery of illegal goods in view of the cops, and the effort culminated in getting to watch some asshole Jackals get arrested, too.

Not wiped out entirely, we knew drama might continue. But it was a big night and by all accounts, a successful one. And though we still had enemies, we’d rest our heads tonight with fewer of them than what the day started with, including knowing Gordino would not be a problem ever again.

I wasn’t the only man in the club to have fired a kill shot tonight. And I didn’t feel bad about it. It was the second time I’ve taken a life, the third Jackal I’d put a bullet in. And while I hoped it’d be my last kill shot, I knew without an iota of doubt I’d do it again.

Our club didn’t go looking for trouble, but we were men who’d stand up to it, stop it from putting what we gave a shit about at risk. And that’s why this was the club for me.

I fired that shot beside Bront from behind the half wall beyond the line of motorcycles in the parking lot of the little shithole bar they were meeting at after knowing some of them had been arrested. Bront shot two.

Another was about to get away, but Rider clipped him from his hidey hole across the road as the bugger tried to exit the parking lot. That wasn’t a kill shot, but it’d give him a permanent limp, not to mention the shit we had Pudge uncover from deletion on his hard drive would ensure that fucker would be tracked down by the cops and have to limp to his trial for his part in delivering innocent women to a life of hell on earth. Every man taken out tonight was involved in that human trafficking ring.

We made what happened in that bar’s parking lot look like a showdown between Jackals instead of a war between two MCs, planting doubts and fears for whoever remained. After that, Rider, me, and Bront rendezvoused in the garage of an abandoned house near Wetonka with Deacon, Fork, and Brady who had taken out some Jackals too.

Deke caught up with Scott, former Jackal Justice, and Spencer after their job was done near Ipswich at the house of Gordino’s side piece, strategically placing more of the evidence we’d uncovered of their involvement in guns, drugs, and trafficking. Skip got his hands on a large quantity of a date rape drug, which was planted there. And I had to work hard on the poker face to hide the fact that it made my blood boil. Because what Gigi had told me about the rape accusation and how Skip was watching me for a reaction around him having that drug made it real clear to me he was worried she’d share what she suspected about that night. I let him see nothing, was spitting mad about it, but with all this shit going on, I knew I had to put it aside temporarily.

Skip would be leaving with a stubborn Pudge who was part of all the action instead of being in bed recovering from his wipe-out. They had an important errand so they wouldn’t be at church.

We were about to file into the chapel in the new great hall slash clubhouse when we were directed to the back of the new compound’s parking lot because former Jackal Nico drove in and waved us over.