"Yeah, but I realize now how much I miss...is that a tattoo?"

I see her look down and do the same. Oh shit! I know who did that. It was me. Her chin goes up in defiance of fuck nugget even if her eyes are screaming what the hell did we do last night? "Yes." Short and sweet and to the point.

"What's happened to you? Fucking some punk and getting tattoos, out partying all night, this isn't who you are. This is some crazy shit you're sister would do."

I see the same look cross her face when she asked me if I wanted to fuck with Tiffany after she called her a nerd. My girl can take care of herself - even if I want to do it for her.

"Be serious, Chuck. You never knew me at all. And the only thing crazy here was the idea that I would date someone like you." She gives him a disgusted up and down with her gaze before crossing her arms in front of her, telling him with her body language that he's been denied access. By now my brother and Harley stumble out of the bedroom looking like they might have spent the night fucking. I wonder if that's how me and Harley look.

Chuck's eyes go to them before going back to Harper. "Twins? You fucking both of them or do the two of you switch out?"

I hear her gasp as I lose the hold on my temper and would go for his fucking throat if Harper didn't step in front of me before I can. Chuck backs up closer to the door like the chicken shit he is. Her hands are on my bare chest pushing me back, "It's not worth it. He's not worth it." She turns without moving her hands. Her eyes going right to Chuck, "Besides if he hadn't dumped me, I could've been stuck with his tiny dick instead of one so much bigger than his."

Laughter bursts from the side as my brother doubles over. "Oh fuck! She broke it off in you." He walks over to get a high five from her which she gives reluctantly but she's smiling as she does it. "That one is going to scar for life, knowing you left a woman and she found a man with better equipment almost immediately after she got rid of you. Yeah, that's got to sting, but I wouldn't know. Does it sting, Chuck?"

My brother is definitely the mouthier of the two of us.

"Does it hurt to know that Chuck? Because I wouldn't show my fucking face again somewhere if everyone knew I had a small dick."

Chuck spins around and walks out slamming the door so hard the pictures fall off the wall. Even if he didn't realize it Chuck got his revenge. All of our heads are ringing now. Bastard.

I step forward to make sure the door is good and locked. The last thing I need right now is fuckhole coming back. When I turn I see Harper standing next to the others. We're a rough lot today.

"Could someone please tell me what the fuck happened last night," - she looks right at me - "and why I'm wearing your shirt and nothing else?" Her voice cracks at the end. I want to answer her so I try to think real hard about what lead up to us waking up with me almost mauling her.

Chapter Seven



"And why do I have a tattoo?" I'm so confused. This is not a good way to wake up. First Cade and then Chuck and now Cade again. He comes closer to me and bends down to look at the tattoo encircling my ankle. It's a ring of ivy entwined with a branch that looks like thorns are growing on it. It's beautifully done but not something I remember asking for. He lifts my foot, his fingers brush across the sensitive skin of my calf before he looks up at me with those intense eyes.

"I did this." He says it like he's admitting to murder instead of giving me a free tattoo. At least I think it was free.

"How can you tell?" God, please be him. The thought of a stranger touching me when I was out of it makes me want to vomit and scares me more than if it were Cade.

His thumb runs over some of the vine work before he speaks again, "Because these are my initials."

"Oh God," he literally put his name on me! Seeing him down on the floor brings back flashes of last night. I was sitting in one of the leather seats the guys use to do tattoo work. They took us to the shop to show us what they do for a living. I...I put my foot up on his shoulder and joked about him putting his mark on me. I was in a dress! He saw my panties!

Wait, I wasn't wearing a dress at the time but he still saw my panties. I try to remember harder. He grabbed my foot and kissed it! He kissed me! And I kissed him - a lot!

"Oh my God! I have one too!" We all look down at Harley's ankle and the same design with little differences here and there is on the opposite ankle from mine. Did Cade do that one too? Why do I feel sick all of a sudden at the thought of Cade touching my sister?

"Nah, I did this one." Colm's bent down on his knees looking at Harley's ankle now. Some of the queasy feeling I was having goes away with Colm's statement. He turns and looks at his brother, "Guess we were thinking the same thing, huh?"

Harley pales, "Shit, does that mean...,"

He cuts Harley off, "Yep. Right there in the roses. Only I put my whole name." He traces it with his thumb much like Cade did to mine.

"Oh my God," I think I'm going to pass out. I reach out and find Cade there immediately. Everyone's eyes are on me waiting. I turn watery eyes towards him. "I think...I dry humped you in the club."

The memory of me crawling into his lap and rocking back and forth on him is seared into my brain. I didn't remember and now I'll never forget. What did I do? Was he even into it or did I force him to do something he didn't want to do? But he kissed me back. He...his hands were...my eyes widen as I remember his hands running up the backs of my thighs as I stand up on my knees and dance in front of him like I'm trying to give him a lap dance and then his hands go to my ass.

Cade had his hands on my ass! And his lips on me for most of the night if I remember right. I can tell he's remembering too because of the way his eyes turn dark and stormy. Oh shit, is he mad?

"Then we went to the car and you took your dress off."