"Right." My sister gives me a look that says she doesn't believe my shit either but smiles and nods at me. Our conversation is cut short when Colm turns around and starts talking to us. He's fun like Harley and I can tell I am going to be comfortable around him just from how laid back and relaxed he is.

When we get to the club he's got his arm around both of us as he greets people when he comes in. They weren't lying, they really do know a lot of people here. Colm eventually takes his arm from around me to focus on someone talking to him and my sister leaving me just kind of standing around. God I hate places like these where you have to be fun and social. Two things I most assuredly am not.

"Want a drink?" He has to yell it in my ear but suddenly I notice how close Cade is to me. In fact, I think he's got his arm around me. I give him a quick nod and he tilts his head so I'll follow him. Just in case, he does put his arm around me this time so we won't get separated. His arm around me is completely different than Colm's. Colm is like a brother hanging out with me while I feel Cade's touch like it burns through the light fabric of my dress. We order our drinks and some for the other two and make our way over to an empty table.

"You don't really dig clubs do you?" Shit, did I look that miserable? I give him a shake of my head and a small smile.

"Me neither. Colm likes it way more than I do." We both look over to see our siblings already out on the dance floor. I down the drink in front of me. I’m supposed to be charming and personable right now, right? Another one is placed in front of me.

"These are really good." I have to shout to be heard too.

"Yeah, you should probably slow down though. They have a lot of liquor in them." He widens his eyes when he says a lot telling me I should probably slow down but if I'm going to get through this night I'm going to need more of them. Before I can say anything my sister is leading me to the dance floor and making me laugh at how silly she is being.

"Oh my God, you'll never believe what I found out." I wait because with Harley I really never do believe what she gets us up to. "They own this club. Can you believe it? Five or six people came up to Colm and started talking to him about it."

She's not saying it because it's a bad thing. Harley just loves surprises and being the first one of us to find out anything. I giggle at her as we keep dancing together. "That explains a lot." Like how he knew how much alcohol was in that one drink.

We head back to the table and I immediately realize Cade isn't there. I look for him before I can stop myself and find him over on the other side of the club talking to a tall blonde who probably isn't a virgin. I down another drink and take Colm up on the offer of a whisky shot which turns into a vodka shot and more fruity drinks. By the time Cade comes back to the table I'm comfortable enough to laugh off my previous jealousy. Or maybe I'm just drunk enough not to give a shit.

I fall into Harley causing her to spill her shot and laugh like it is the funniest thing that has happened to us. This time when we hit the dance floor both of the guys go with us. I don't even get all weird when Cade takes me in his arms to dance closer.

"You're drunk aren't you?"

I laugh at him. Yeah, I am. "You sound like my dad."

He leans in close so he can whisper to me, "You want me to be your Daddy, Harper?" he slides his mouth down my neck but doesn't really kiss it. God, when did we get so close? We head back to the table and me and Harley try to tie cherry stems in knots with our tongues. Turns out I'm really good at it for someone who's never had much practice with that part of myself. Somehow I end up sitting in Cade's lap instead of the booth but I'm having way too much fun to care.


Light pours in through the window and I want to kill whoever left it open. Fucking sun. I try to snuggle back down into the warmth lying by my side. It takes my poor sluggish mind a while to process there is a large hand cupping my breast and a body is pressed up against mine. I'm lying on an arm, a very tattooed arm. That has some of the mental faculties that are still slow waking up. I let out a squeak and try to move away but the arm around my waist pulls me in tighter. I don't have to turn around to know who's behind me. What did I do last night?

Chapter Six



I wake up with a whole arm full of sweet, soft woman and know this isn't like any other day. For one thing, I've never woken up next to someone before. Another is the fact that I don't want to run for the fucking door the minute I realize who I'm holding on to. It's Harper's tit I'm cupping and her ass that keeps rocking back into my morning wood and yet somehow I'm fine with those things. Well, I might be more than fine with them. Jury's still out until she wakes up and I remember what the hell is going on to have landed me where I am.

I look around and confirm to my poor deluded brain that I do not recognize where I am. By the looks of it, I'm guessing Harper's room. Everything in here is a little girly and purple so unless we broke into someone else's house last night I'm pretty confident this is Harper's room. I saw most of it when the two of us were stuck together. She starts wiggling against me again. I can tell the moment she wakes up because she stiffens up in my arms and tries to scoot away from me. Instinct more than anything else has me pulling her back to me, clasping her harder. She lets out a little squeak when I do. I'm about to wish her a good morning and tell her not to worry about last night, that we'll figure out what happened and go from there but a loud knock on the door has a moan coming from the floor beside the bed.

Fuck, I have to take my hand off her tit. If I'm going to kill whoever is knocking I have to release Harper to do that. I slowly slide my hand out from under her shirt hating that I have to leave it behind. She rolls over a little bit so she can look at me, her head still lying on my arm. She's about to say something when there's another knock causing more moaning from the floor. Both of us wince and roll over to look down. There is my brother lying on his back with his hands all over Harley's ass. Harley seems to still be sleeping.

The third knock has my brother opening his eyes and cussing the fucker hammering next door, not understanding it's a knock, not construction. "I got it."

I roll to the other side and walk around the tangle of limbs that is my brother and Harley. Thank God I still have boxers on. I walk through the apartment to the front door, verifying to myself this is Harper's home. I should have taken the time to look for fucking jeans and I realize it just as I get to the door. What if her mom is on the other side? Or one of her best friends? What the hell am I going to say to them when I'm the one answering Harper's door?

'Hi, nice to meet you. I'm the guy who may or may not have fucked your daughter last night. Not sure just yet, we're still trying to piece the night together to find out.' Oh yeah, that is going to go over so well. Still, I don't want whoever it is to wake the others up if they don't have to. It gives me valuable time to talk to Harper, just us.

I swing the door open before another knock and come face to face with the douche bag from the bar. The shit-eating grin he's wearing on his face melts pretty fast when he takes in how I'm dressed - or not dressed. We stand looking at one another for a long time until Harper's voice finally breaks me out of my surprise.

"Chuck?" she seems shocked to see him too. That's good. I would hate to have to kill him and make her wait on me once I'm sentenced. "What...what are you doing here?"

The asshat steps across the threshold and I start rethinking that manslaughter charge real hard. "I wanted to see you again. I wanted to find out if we could get back together. I miss you." Chucklenuts steps around me to go for her but I step back in front of him.

"Don't touch!" she might not realize she's mine yet but I'm not about to let some stupid fuck cope a feel right in front of me either.

"You broke up with me."