Page 29 of Daddy's Mercy

“Dean wouldn’t hurt a fly, at least not in a bad way, but I can see where that might be a concern for someone so new to the lifestyle. And you’re not weird. Not everyone is wired to be bratty.” Sitting back in her chair, Olivia frowned slightly, her eyes taking on an unfocused look as she appeared to consider everything MaryAnn had just thrown at her. “Hmmm. You could just ask for a spanking. Any good Daddy would give you one if you asked.”

“Maybe. That just feels… ugh, I don’t know how to explain it.” God, this was sofrustrating.Why couldn’t she just find the right words to explain to people how she was feeling? “Like it makes me feel kind of… hollow inside?”

The frown stayed in place for a couple seconds longer before Olivia’s face lit up again. “Ahh, I think I get it. You want it to count.”


“Some of us are happy with a spanking just for the sake of it. But some of us need to feel like we’veearnedit. Because it’s about more than the spanking itself, it’s about the way we feel afterwards. Like everything we’ve ever done wrong in our lives has just disappeared because we took our punishment like a good girl.”

“Yes! That’s it!” Excitement and relief were such a strong mix inside of her, it nearly made her weep. “That’s exactly what I want.”

A deep voice from behind her had MaryAnn freezing in place. “Well, then, who am I to deny a Little girl what she so obviously needs?”

Uh oh.


Placing a hand on the back of MaryAnn’s neck, Dean leaned forward to meet Olivia’s wide-eyed gaze. “Hello, Livvy.”

“Um, hi, Dean! We were just talking about you.”

“So I gathered. Is your Daddy around?”

Panic filled the dark brown of Olivia’s eyes. “I’m sorry, Dean. I thought it was okay since she was calling from your computer.”

“That doesn’t answer my question, Olivia.”

Pink tinged her cheeks at the gentle scolding. “Sorry. He’s not here. He had to work late.”

“Let him know to be expecting my call. Goodbye, Olivia.”

“Dean, wait!” When he paused with his hand over the mouse, she gave a pained smile. “Don’t be too hard on her, okay? She just needed a friend.”

“You’re pushing your luck, Olivia.” Without waiting for a response, he clicked the button to end the call. Leaving him alone with his anger, and one very naughty Little girl.

He gave himself a moment to close his eyes and let the anger settle before turning the chair around. MaryAnn’s eyes were even wider than Olivia’s had been, but to his surprise there wasn’t as much fear as he’d expected in them. There was a hint, of course, because what Little girl wouldn’t be concerned about the amount of trouble she’d managed to land herself in?

But mostly there was something that looked more like excitement. Like she was about to get everything she’d been waiting for.

Which, based on what he’d overheard, was exactly the case.

Straightening, he folded his arms and stared down at her. “Care to explain what that was all about, little girl?”

To his further surprise, she didn’t so much as hesitate or stutter when she answered him. “I needed to talk to Olivia.”

“I gathered as much. Why didn’t you ask me?”

Her cheeks pinkened a bit, and he steeled himself against the adorable picture she made. “I thought you might want to know why I wanted to talk to her, and I was embarrassed.”

“Ah. So instead of risking a little embarrassment, you decided to risk your life instead?”

“What?” Eyes somehow widening even more, she shook her head, her ponytail flying wildly around her face. “I didn’t think… you think he could find me? Oh, god, is Olivia in danger now? We have to tell her!”

Fuck. He should have known that would panic her. Crouching down, he laid his hands over hers, which currently had a death grip on the arms of his office chair. “Breathe, sweetheart. It’s okay.”

“But you justsaid—”

“I know. But Livvy will be fine. I’ll call James and Bryant later on the burner phones I gave them and fill them in, give them some extra precautions to take.”