Page 28 of Daddy's Mercy


Before she lost her nerve, she clicked the button to put the call through. A few seconds later, Olivia’s smiling face filled the screen. “MaryAnn? What are you doing? Is everything okay?”

“Are you alone?” MaryAnn whispered.

“For now. James will be home from work soon. What’s up? Are you allowed to be calling me? Where’s Dean?”

“Outside. And, ah… not exactly?”

“Naughty girl. Well, if you’re calling from Dean’s computer it’s probably encrypted or whatever, so I’m sure there’s no real danger.” Something that looked suspiciously like excitement glittered in the other woman’s eyes. “Now, what could be so important you’d risk getting caught making an illegal phone call?”

“I need to talk to you. It’s, um. I have a boy problem,” she finally blurted out, her face heating with embarrassment. For crying out loud, she was thirty years old. Why couldn’t she talk like a fucking adult?

“A boy problem, huh? Since you’re stuck in a house with only Dean for company, I’m going to guess he’s the boy in question?”

“You would be guessing correctly.”

“That’s so cute!” Beaming happily, Olivia bounced in her seat as if that was the most exciting thing she’d ever heard. “You guys will be great together. He’s such a sweetheart, though I’ve heard he can be just as strict as Bryant.”

“You know he’s…?”

“A Daddy? Yes.” Olivia laughed, that deep, throaty sound MaryAnn missed from their days working together. It hadn’t always been smooth sailing between the two of them, but god, she missed her job. “It’s not a very large community, even in a city the size of Baltimore. We all tend to know each other. His wife rivaled even Shannon in the brat department.”

Disappointment fell like a rock into MaryAnn’s stomach. “He’s married?” But he’d said he didn’t have a Little girl of his own. Had he lied to her?

“Was.” Grief filled Olivia’s dark eyes. “She passed a few years back. I don’t know the whole story, but Dean sort of went into hermit mode after it happened. I didn’t even know Bryant was still in contact with him until he told us you were being whisked off to a safe house somewhere.”

His wife had died? That would explain all the ‘Little’ things around the house, and Dean’s reluctance to discuss his past. Maybe he wasn’t ready to move on.

The thought pained her, even as guilt twisted her stomach into a knot. What right did she have to push him for more when he’d lost so much?

“That’s awful. Poor Dean.”

“Yeah. But Bryant seems to think he’s ready for someone new. I think that’s part of the reason he pulled Dean out of retirement to watch over you. Which seems a little hypocritical since he gotmepaddled for doing pretty much the same thing with him and Shannon. But I bet he doesn’t see it that way, because they never—”

“Olivia? I’m kind of on borrowed time here.”

“Right, sorry!” Her dark curls swung around her face as she shook her head. “What did you want to ask me?”

“It’s about, um, the Daddy stuff. I sort of… got Dean to agree to be my Daddy while I’m here. I think.”

“You think? It’s kind of a yes or no proposition, hon.”

“Well, it’s more he agreed to let me explore being Little and he gave me lots of rules and stuff. I haven’t actually called him Daddy or anything because he said he’s not ready for that.”

“That makes sense. Still, he can be a wonderful caregiver without that title. So, I’m still not seeing the problem.” Olivia’s expression was a mix of confusion and amusement, which just added to the humiliation of the whole thing. But who else did she have to talk to about this stuff?

Nobody, so she pushed through the embarrassment and did her best to explain what she was feeling.

“The problem is, I want him to spank me again. I just don’t know how to make it happen. I’ve had plenty of chances to be naughty, but it just never feels… right.”

“Okay, well, first of all, at some point we’re going to circle back to him spanking youagain. I have a feeling we’re going to need a whole girls’ weekend by the time you get home to catch up on everything that’s been happening there.”

“Really? You would want to do that with me?”

“Of course,” Olivia said, as if she hadn’t just rocked MaryAnn’s world with that momentous declaration of friendship. “You, me, and Shay. I’ll see what the schedule looks like at the beach house and snag us a weekend. Anyway, back to your problem. Are you scared of getting in trouble?”

“Not really. I was, but then Dean and I talked it out and I’m not really scared he’s going to send me away anymore. And I was never really scared of him hurting me. It’s more like… when he gives me an order or something, it feels rude to disobey. I don’t know, I’m weird, I guess.”