Page 30 of Daddy's Mercy

“Oh. You promise?”

Lifting one hand, he held his little finger out toward her. “Pinky swear.”

With a soft giggle, she linked her pinky with his. “Okay. Am I still in trouble?”

“Yes. Do you know why?”

“Because you told me I wasn’t allowed to call or text anybody and I went behind your back and did it anyway.”

Well, at least he needn’t worry that the rules hadn’t been clear enough. “That’s the one. I have a more secure connection you could have used if you really needed to talk to her, and I could have made sure she was in a secure location for your chat. But you didn’t ask, which means you put both of you at risk. So I’m warning you ahead of time, sweetheart, this isn’t going to be an easy punishment.”

“Wh-what are you going to do?”

What he wanted to do was wear his belt out on her ass for putting her safety at risk for even one second. Even though the risk had realistically been minimal, it didn’t seem to matter to those dark, primal parts of him.

The same parts that wanted to claim every single one of her holes once she was properly punished and sobbing out her apologies.

But she wasn’t ready for any of that. And truth be told, he wasn’t surehewas ready for it, either. So he pushed those urges down and focused on her. There still wasn’t as much fear in her expression as he’d expected, which calmed some of the unease in his gut. At least for now, she still trusted him not to hurt her.

“We’re going to start with your very first bare-bottomed spanking, if you’re still comfortable with that.”

When he paused, she nodded without hesitation. “I am.”

“All right. After your spanking, you’re going to sit on your sore bottom and write out the rule you broke fifty times, as previously discussed.”

“Is that it?”

Was it his imagination or did she seem… disappointed? “I think that’s enough for a first offense.” Especially since he had something else up his sleeve. But she’d find out about that soon enough.

“Oh. Okay.” Yup, definitely disappointment in her tone. Well, he’d just have to make sure this punishment lived up to her expectations, wouldn’t he?

Rising to his feet once more, he held out a hand for her to take and pulled her out of the chair. “Come on. Time for you to learn what happens to naughty girls who don’t think about their safety.”

* * *

She should be more afraid.

Shouldn’t she?

It seemed like the logical reaction when a large, stern-faced man was pulling your leggings and panties down so he could smack your bare ass. But even as he tugged the flimsy material to her knees, the only thing she really felt was an odd sort of excitement.

Okay, excitement and a good bit of humiliation. Nobody but her doctor had seen her, um,down thereparts in almost two years. And she’d never been much of an exhibitionist. So being forced to expose herself to a man she barely knew had her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

There was one other thing she felt. And the more she thought about how humiliating and painful this whole experience was going to be, the worse thatotherfeeling got.

By the time Dean guided her over his lap, she was more turned on than she could ever remember being in her entire life.

“All right, sweetheart. I’m not going to give you a count this time, because I am going to keep going until I think you’ve learned your lesson. But you can use your safewords at any time if you need me to stop or even just pause for a bit. Understood?”

“Yes, um, Sir.”

“Good girl. Try to keep your hands out of the way.”

Since she was stretched out on the couch again, she tucked her arms up under her chest and pressed her face into the cushion. “I’m ready,” she said, hoping he’d heard her despite her voice barely rising above a whisper.

Whether he had or not, the spanking began. And it was nothing like the first time. Even though that first spanking had driven her to tears, it was clear now those had been little more than love taps.

Because now his hand seemed hard as steel and each swat scorched her skin, making her cry out and wiggle her hips, as if that bit of movement would soothe the burn.