Page 31 of Daddy's Mercy

But before it became unbearable, he stopped, his hand resting on the heated flesh. “There were two rules I specifically asked you not to break, because they are for your own safety. What were they, MaryAnn?”

There was a pressure in her chest she recognized from her first spanking. It had gotten worse and worse until finally it had cracked, letting loose her tears and bringing on that sweet, relieved feeling she’d been chasing ever since. Hopefully he wasn’t done spanking her, because she wasn’t sure she could live with that pressure if he stopped now.

Two sharp swats to her thighs forced her attention back to him. What had he asked? Oh, right, the rules he’d specifically mentioned during their chat earlier. “Um. Not going outside and not using the phone.”

“No outside contact.None,MaryAnn. I know it probably feels like overkill, but I can promise you it isn’t. What if Livvy had been out shopping or somewhere Nathaniel could have been watching her? Nathaniel doesn’t know who knows where you are. So if he thinksanyof them have that information, he won’t hesitate to use them to get to you.”

Cold settled over her like a blanket, freezing the air in her lungs. “No,” she whispered, shaking her head.

“Yes. Which is why I intend to impress on you how important this particular rule is. If your needs aren’t being met, we can work something out, but I will not tolerate you putting your safety or your friends’ safety at risk.”

With that, he started spanking again, and she would swear it was a million times harder than it had been just a moment ago.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Dean, please!”

It only took a few swats to reach that ‘almost unbearable’ stage again. Only this time, he didn’t stop to lecture. He kept going, pushing her past ‘almost’ and straight into ‘unbearable’. Every inch of her ass felt like it was on fire, and she didn’t know how she was supposed to take another second of punishment.

Moving completely on instinct, she threw an arm behind her, fingers splayed as if that would be enough to block the swats from falling.

But Dean simply grabbed her wrist and pinned it to the small of her back. All without missing a beat.

Desperate, she fluttered her feet against the cushion, her head shaking wildly from side to side. “You can stop, I won’t ever do it again, I swear! I’ll be good, I’ll be so good, I won’t ever be naughty again!”

An odd sound met her ears, and it took a moment for her brain to process the noise. Was he—was helaughingat her?

“It’s not funny!” she screeched, and for the first time, she bucked against his hold, doing her best to dislodge herself from his lap.

“You’re right, it’s not funny. Putting yourself and your friends in danger is not the least bit humorous.” As he lectured, the swats moved lower, until he was solely focusing on that weirdly sensitive place where her bottom and thighs met.

“Then why are youlaughing, you asshole!”

“Oh, babygirl. You’re going to regret that. Stand up.”

She was too relieved by the chance to escape the spanking to give his words much thought as she scrambled to her feet. But that relief only lasted for a few short seconds, precisely the amount of time it took for her to really process Dean’s expression. Face set in a stony mask, he stood and gripped her arm, guiding her… somewhere.

“Where are we going?”

“Little girls who call their Daddies naughty words get their mouths washed out with soap.”

Had he just called himself her Daddy? Hope soared for a brief, shining second before the weight of his words brought it crashing down around her again.


Stopping to push open the door to the half-bath just outside his office, he nudged her forward. “That’s right. My Little girl doesn’t use that language, and she sure as hell doesn’t call me names in the middle of a punishment.”

The thrill of being calledhisLittle girl was buried beneath the worry over her impending discipline. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to!”

“Well, hopefully after this, you’ll be a little more careful with that naughty mouth of yours. Hands on your head.”

Whimpering softly, she slowly lifted her arms to place her hands behind her head like she had when he’d put her in the corner before. What the hell had she been thinking, lashing out at him like that when she was already in so much trouble?

Even now, her ass throbbed with every heartbeat, and she wondered if she’d ever be able to sit comfortably again. But, oddly enough, she wasn’t scared. Sad, sore, and wishing the punishment could just be over so he would cuddle her and tell her everything was all right, yes. Just not scared.

Jeanine would have a field day with this.

“Good girl.” His praise slid over her like a warm caress, and despite how much trouble she was obviously in, his smile was warm and approving. “Let’s see… I should have some fresh bars around here somewhere.”

Stepping sideways, he opened a linen cabinet and reached inside. “Jackpot.”