Page 80 of Frost Wolf

“Yana, I’m so sorry I lied to you. I wish I could change everything. I was so afraid of losing you, of telling you about your father. How do you tell someone you know their father is alive? How do you tell this to your mate? I love you, Yana. You must understand that. I adore you so deeply. Living without you feels like an endless nightmare. Please, please come back to me.”

I knelt with her in my arms, her body close to my chest, her arms limp, hanging next to her, showing me that life was long gone from my beautiful mate. Tears rolled down my face. I leaned my head back and howled.

“Give her to me.”

Alistair was naked and bleeding. He knelt in the center of the circle. Symbols decorated his body.

“No, it’s cold. I’ll keep her warm.”

“Soren, please, before it’s too late. Give her to me. I will keep her warm.”

I stepped into the circle with Yana in my arms.

“You can’t be in the circle if I want to make this work. Soren, please, hurry. Trust me once. Remember that we used to be friends. I was your alpha once, and you would put your life in my hands. Trust me with your mate, with my daughter.”

I nodded and knelt next to the circle.

Alistair took Yana in his arms, covering her wounds and face with his blood. Their blood mixed in shades of crimson and amber. A chant I didn’t recognize left Alistair’s lips. He rocked Yana’s body back and forth.

I felt paralyzed as I listened to that sound. It was ancient and powerful, old like the magic that allowed us to turn into wolves. Even though I didn’t understand the words, and the chant was foreign to me, I knew it. I felt it. It ran inside my veins. It was the power that created my blood.

Alistair kept chanting. I saw Yana change. First, her cuts started to close, and her skin was no longer ashen, regaining its color. Her breath and heartbeat were the most beautiful sounds I had ever heard in my long life.

When her pinkie finger moved, my heart skipped a beat. Alistair kept chanting. Light moved around him, streaming from his body into Yana’s chest.

I was moving too, inhaling with each of her heartbeats, moving from side to side, hanging on to her, and to the bond that flourished inside my chest.

“Soren.” Her voice, clear and calm, filled my mind with music.

“I’m here.”

Alistair released her and I took her into my arms.

“What happened, Soren? I was so cold. ”

“You were hurt. How are you feeling ?”

The question was more to calm myself. Her scent was not sickly anymore. Her heart was strong, beating against my chest.

Yana pushed her fingers through my hair.

“Soren, I don’t want to die yet. I want to fight with you for a long time.”

“We can fight, and we can fuck, for the rest of our lives, my mate.”

“Say it again.”


“My mate.”

“My mate. You are my mate and my love. I’m so sorry for everything, for the secrets and lies. I didn’t know how to tell you these things.”

“I understand now. I saw so much when I was passed out. I talked to Mom. I met her. It was wonderful.”

Yana kissed me. I tasted life and hope on her lips.

I saw Alistair move from the corner of my eye. He jumped, but he was weak. He shifted into his wolf form. I heard a loud thud that shook the walls of the hangar. Alistair roared in pain.