Page 79 of Frost Wolf

“Maybe. Probably. I don’t care. See, we only wanted to break you, and we did that by killing your bitch.”


Yana’s voice was so small, so broken. I could barely hear her. I turned my back to Nick and walked to her, too scared to touch her bleeding face.

“I’m here, baby. I won’t leave you.”

“You’re here? I love you. I’m sorry, I don’t think I can hold on much longer.”

She closed her eyes and exhaled. My world turned black and blurry. Yana’s heart stopped.

I shifted into my wolf form as I jumped and landed on Nick, pushing him onto the floor. He was too slow. When he fired, his gun shot my shoulder. The bullet burned through my skin and muscle, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

It bled, but I didn’t care.

Nick’s eyes were filled with panic. “I’m sure we can work something out, man.”

I could have given him a fast and merciful death, but instead, I stepped on his ribs, listening to them crunch and break as my paws pressed on them. The snapping sound filled the empty hangar.

Nick coughed blood. The moment his ribs penetrated his heart, his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He was still alive, but barely.

My mind was gone. Yana was lost. Our bond was as cold as her soul that slid away from her body.

My teeth stuck into Nick’s throat. I shook his body in the most savage way, ripping his neck, pulling muscle and sinew apart, trying to take his life as payment for hers as if this could ever be the same. It wasn’t. It did not even make me feel better when his head was torn from his body and rolled down the gallery stairs into the hangar.

I felt nothing.

A low growl sounded from downstairs. I jumped back to the floor. Alistair shifted from wolf to human and removed Yana’s restraints. He took her body in his arms, cradling her.

“Oh, baby girl,” he muttered as he kissed her forehead, pushing her bloody strains of hair aside.

I ran to him. I was about to yell that he should leave her alone and had no right to touch her, but the pain in his eyes broke my heart.

It was my pain, too. It was the pain of losing one’s mate, the pain of losing his blood.

“I can help her. She’s not dead. Hold her.”

Alistair gave me Yana. I cradled her against my naked chest. She was cold and wounded but had a very slow, faint heartbeat.

“She’s hanging on. I’ll give her my life.”

His words made no sense.

He ran a talon across his palm. He then used the blood on his hands and Yana’s blood to paint runes on the ground, symbols so old they didn’t make sense to me. Still, they were there, and I felt their power.

A huge circle formed out of runes painted in his and Yana’s blood appeared on the ground.

“What are you doing?”

“A trick, a spell a witch taught me long ago to bring back Mia. Trust me. I love her. She’s still my baby. I wasn’t able to bring Mia back, but I can do this for her.”

My heart beat like crazy. Wolves did not get involved with magic. Magic was something for the witches, not us.

“I’m not crazy, Soren. I know what I’m doing.”

I nodded and kissed Yana on her forehead. Alistair looked crazy, but who was I to judge? I clutched my dying mate in my arms, pushing my wolf down, trying to keep my mind clear and suppress the awful howl my wolf felt the bitter need to release. I can’t break down now. Not now.

Words I couldn’t comprehend crossed my lips as I watched Alistair cut himself. He cut runes into his hands.