Page 81 of Frost Wolf

I pushed Yana behind me, only to see Alistair shot in his chest, bleeding, with his fangs wrapped around a woman’s neck.


He was silent.

“Brenda, you bitch.”

Yana stormed toward the woman who was breathing heavily under the large wolf.

“I wanted to kill your mate because you killed mine, but I got your daddy.”

She closed her eyes. I felt when she died. Her heart stopped, and her body began to cool down.

“Brenda, you Demon bitch!” Yana yelled.

She was still weak from the injuries Alistair had miraculously healed. My mate wasn’t weak, but her body took way too many blows when her ex tortured her. She was lost. Her scared, glassy eyes darted between me and her father.


Yana knelt next to her father. He shifted back slowly. His body looked smaller, thinner, as if he was losing substance with each heartbeat. He turned his head to her. He had that look, that lost stare of a wolf about to run on the eternal hunting ground.

The wound in his chest was massive, right over his heart. I wished I could have spared Yana the view of it. She was strong. She had proved that time and time again, but my instinct was to protect her from all harm.

“Yana, I’m so sorry,” he whispered. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Alistair grabbed her hands, pressing them hard. Despair was painted all over his face. “I gave you all I could. The only gift I had.”

“Dad?” Yana’s voice broke as her tears choked her.

She asked, sounding like a little girl who was scared to be left alone in the world.

“Dad, I don’t want you to die. Please, don’t die. Stay with me, Daddy.”

“I can’t.” Alistair coughed loudly. More blood sprayed from his mouth.

Yana tried desperately to staunch the bleeding, but there was too much damage to his heart, even for a wolf. Her fingers moved across his hair. Alistair held on to her like a man drowning.

“We’ll get you fixed. I know it.”

“No, baby. It’s okay. I’m so happy I met you. I wish I could have been brave like you, like Soren. I’m proud of you. I’ve loved you all those years.”

I wrapped my arms around Yana, who held her father’s head onto her lap as he fought to breathe for the last time.

“I love you, baby. I am going to be with my mate now.”

“I wish I knew you better. I love you, Dad.”

A smile touched Alistair’s mouth as blood dripped from its corner. He smiled, and his grasp on Yana’s hand relaxed. His body language changed. He had fought for so long. He did what he could for the pack, the wolves, and his mate. Until Alistair, I never understood how losing a mate can break you fully. We all need a reason to wake up and keep going. My heart grieved for Yana for the loss of her father. I would never put her through this. I don’t want her to cradle my dead body in her arms.

Yana crashed on top of her father’s lifeless body and cried. It was not a loud cry but a silent one, the mute cry of real pain. I released a deep howl and felt the pain of losing one of the people I had cared for the most. Alistair was my mentor and friend before he lost his mate, and his soul broke into small pieces.

Yana cried. I knelt next to her, wrapping my arms around her body.

“He loved me,” she whispered.

“He brought you back. His power, his life essence, brought you back to me, my love, my mate.”

I felt myself choking on tears I couldn’t shed. I had to be strong for my mate, who found and lost her father all on the same day. As I held her, I rocked her back and forth. The world was silent around us, but the storm of feelings in my chest was loud.

I gave Yana the time she needed. She cuddled next to me. My body was a silent promise that I would never let her go, and that she could always count on me.