“No. I mean, of course I would choose you over them, but they didn’t even invite me.”

She watches me for a little while, her eyes overflowing with care. “Liam, I’m sure they didn’t mean to exclude you.”

I shake my head. “Maybe. That means they forgot about me. What does that say about me? That I’m not a team player? That I don’t want close friendships with the guys?”

She rests her hand on my shoulder. “No, it’s just hard for you to make friends. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

I slump forward even more. “I’m part of a team. A family. But I don’t feel that way and they don’t treat me like I’m one of them. Well other than Xavier, and I guess Darren and Brian. But the rest of the guys…” I shake my head.

“I know how you feel,” she says in a low voice. “No one on the paper is my friend outside of the newsroom.”

I turn to her. “That’s stupid. They don’t know what they’re missing.”

She squeezes my shoulder. “Same with the guys on the team. I know it’s not the same, but you have me and the Junior Musketeers and Xavier and Aidan. You’re not alone.”

“I know and I love you guys. I just feel so out of place with the guys on the team. So distanced. So disliked. So…pathetic.”

She gets to her feet. “Come.”


“Maybe they didn’t invite you because they didn’t think you wanted to go. Let’s go to Mikey’s. You can hang out with them. Get friendly with them.”

I squint as I think. “But what about you? I can’t just abandon you.”

She shrugs. “I’ll find a table and be there for moral support. Come on, Liam. You can do this.”

I swallow as a batch of nerves overwhelms me. “I’m not sure they want me.”

“Then make them want you. You’re an awesome person and they need to see that.”

I think over her words for a little while. “But what about the movie?”

She waves her hand. “We can do that another time. Let’s go.”

She practically has to drag me out of the house because I feel so weird about the whole thing. I’m not social at all and would rather hide at home with a book. Or in the kitchen, or working out, or hanging out with my siblings or friends.

Mikey’s isn’t that far from my house and we get there within ten minutes. I swallow again as I take in the table at the back, where the guys are chatting and laughing.

Chloe places her hand on my arm. “You’ve got this. I’ll be in the booth over there.” She tilts her head toward one across the diner. “Just be your wonderful self and they’ll accept you.”

“Wonderful self?”

“Duh.” She playfully punches my arm. “Now go before you back out.” She gives me an encouraging smile and then heads toward her booth, where she has a good view of the basketball table.

I clear my throat, wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans, then slowly make my way over to the table. If Xavier were here, it’d be way easier because he and I are tight. But because he’s not, I’m like a little fish venturing into shark-infested water.

Darren’s head lifts when he catches me approach. “Liam! What’s up, man? Come, join us.” He grabs a chair from another table and slides it next to him. “What’s up?”

I shrug as I sit down. “Not much. What are you guys up to?”

“Just hanging out,” Brian says. “The girls are going to meet us here a little bit later, but order some food.” He whistles for a server to come over.

Macy, a woman who went to school with our parents and has been working here since she graduated, scowls as she marches to our table.

“He wants to order.” Brian points his thumb at me.

With another scowl, Macy holds out her tablet to tap in my order.