We drink in silence.

When we’re done, I wash our mugs and then Chloe and I make our way upstairs to my room. It’s not weird that we’ll be alone in my room because Chloe’s just a friend and my parents know nothing will happen. Why would it, anyway…?

“Are you shaking your head?” Chloe interrupts my thoughts.

I freeze for a second before laughing lightly. “Nope. Just thinking. So…” I clear my throat as I step into my room and gesture to where I placed pillows on my bed along with snacks. Healthy and non-healthy because I’m not sure what she’s in the mood for tonight. “Make yourself comfy.”

“Ooh. Yummy snacks.” She sits down on the bed and checks out the movie lineup I’ve chosen. “Looks cool. Let’s start?”

“Yep.” I drop down next to her, my shoulder accidentally crashing into hers. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. Want to start with romance?”

“Sure. I heard it’s cheesy, but whatever.”

She giggles. “I’m in the mood for cheesy. You know how nervous I am about my article.”

I shift so I’m facing her. “But you’ve got nothing to worry about. Your articles are phenomenal.”

Her cheeks turn pink as she averts her gaze. “Thanks. Tell that to Paisley.”

“Forget Paisley. She’s just jealous that you have an amazing talent while she…”

Chloe lifts a brow. “She what?”

“She’s as talented as a brick wall.”

She bursts out laughing. Then she rests her head on my shoulder. “Thanks, Liam. You always make me feel better.”

The area where her body touches mine tingles. It has to be because she hasn’t yet adjusted to the temperature in my room and is making me feel a little cold…right?

“Same,” I tell her, trying to ignore the way my heart has picked up its pace. “You always make me feel better, too.”

She smiles, her cheeks growing pink again.

We stare at each other for a bit.

I yank my gaze away and clear my throat. “So…the movie? Let’s get ready to be smothered in cheese.” I hit play and we scoot a bit back on the bed to get comfortable.

The opening scenes are all right, but yeah, so cheesy. Chloe and I are laughing so hard that she nearly spurts Coke from her nose.

“Wait, did he just say, ‘I have come to save you, my sweet!’” she gasps between giggles.


We both nearly topple off the bed with laughter.

As we move on to the next movie and continue stuffing our faces with junk food, my phone beeps. I sweep it off the bed and find a notification from Spill It! The guys from the team are at Mikey’s Diner. Xavier’s not there because he’s with Lily and…no one invited me.

“You okay?” Chloe asks as she bends close to peer at my phone.

I drop it back on the bed as my shoulders slump forward. “Yeah, I’m okay.”


I sigh heavily, as though my lungs are made of stone. “It’s just that the team is hanging out at Mikey’s and I’m not there.”

Her eyebrows furrow. “Why not? Did you ditch to hang out with me?”