“Uh, a burger and fries, please,” I tell her. “Oh, and please take her order, too.” I nod toward Chloe.

“Super,” Macy grumbles before heading to Chloe’s table.

Topher watches her walk off, a wide smile on his face as he scans her from top to bottom. “Pretty hot.”

“Ew,” I mutter.

The rest of the guys turn to me.

“You serious?” Gibson asks. “You don’t think she’s hot?”

“She’s my parents’ age.”

“So what?” Topher says. “Still hot.” The others cheer and slap each other.

Desmond rolls his eyes at me. “Dude, you’ve gotta be blind if you don’t think that woman is the hottest thing in this diner.”

“Second to hottest,” Topher corrects, nodding at a college-age server. She must have just started her shift because she’s scrambling to fix her nametag.

“Man, you’re right. Hottest thing in here.”

“There’s more to a girl than her looks,” I say.

When all the guys look at me like I’m a loser, I wonder if maybe I shouldn’t have said that.

Why am I so different? I mean, I’m glad I know there’s more to a girl than her looks, but why can’t I fit in?

“Are you in some dumb romance movie or something?” Topher chortles. “The only thing that matters is if a girl is hot, man.”

I play with a salt shaker. “What about her mind?”

They exchange tired looks like they don’t want to have this conversation right now. If Xavier were here, he’d back me up. I’m not trying to educate the guys or tell them what to do, but it’d be nice for them to see a girl as more than a pretty face.

“Who cares about her mind?” Desmond says with a deep laugh. “Dude, this guy thinks he’s Romeo or something.”

“No wonder he doesn’t have a girl,” Topher snickers. “Waiting for his fairytale princess who will never come!”

The table explodes with laughter. Even Darren and Brian, who I thought were my friends, join in their laughter.

I move my head to Chloe and find her watching me with concern. I’m not sure if she heard what they said, but it’s pretty obvious they’re laughing at me.

My face heats up faster than a furnace. I jet to my feet, pushing my chair back. It’s on the tip of my tongue to saysomething, but I can’t. And even if I did, I doubt it’d make a difference.

In a few long strides, I’m at the exit to the dinner.

“Liam!” Chloe calls after me.

I don’t want to face her, so I speed up and nearly crash into Macy. She’s holding a plate with my burger and fries.

“Are you going somewhere?” she demands, glaring at the food.

“Can you please pack it up for me?”

She grunts, “Sure,” with such animosity and walks off.

“Liam!” Chloe takes my hand, forcing me to look at her. “Are you okay? What happened?”

“Ihappened, that’s what,” I mumble, turning away from her.