“I slept with three different women last week alone, two of which started with the letter M. I can’t keep track.”
I shove his shoulder and he chuckles. “You can’t sleep with the entire city, you know. Eventually, you have to settle down.”
A loud snort escapes him. “I don’t fuckin’ think so.”
“Come on. One day you’ll meet the love of your life, a woman who you’ll never want to leave, and things will be so much better.”
He throws an arm around my shoulder. “I’ve already found her. The best part is, I get to keep you around forever, and I can sleep with whoever I want.”
I roll my eyes. “I might get married one day, and I won’t be here as much, then what?”
“If you find a husband that doesn’t let me climb through your window in the middle of the night and get into your bed, then he’s going to have to leave.”
We both laugh.
The truth is, I couldn’t imagine my life without Leo either.
So we’re on the same page there.
“The glasses go straightin here where they get washed.”
I nod, taking note as my new coworker, Luna, shows me the ropes. It’s my first night at my new job, and I’m more than a little excited. I’ve never worked in a different field before, and certainly never in a place that’s this bustling, but I’m ready to learn something new. Luna is gorgeous, funny, and kind, so that makes it easier on me. She’s always answering my questions, no matter how stupid they might seem, and if she sees me struggling, she’s there in a second.
“This place is busy,” I say, glancing around.
“This is nothing.” Luna grins. “Give it two hours.”
Eyes widening, I stare at the crowd of people, that, to me, already look like an overpopulation for the large space. Luna is telling me there will be more? My gosh. I must admit, though, this place is something else. It’s huge, with big polished marble floors and fancy décor. There are booths scattered around the two large stages in the middle of the club, and a random scatter of curved sofas and chairs surround said stages, where people receive some private attention.
Out the back, there are rooms where you can pay more to get some extra loving.
I chose not to ask what happens out there.
The bar we’re working at is long, stretching across the entire room, and there are six of us on. Two at one end, two in the middle, and two at the other end. Behind us, a huge glass mirror is lined with alcohol, and there are fridges filled with bottles and cans. It’s massive and incredibly fancy. The atmosphere in this place is off charts, and I can’t deny that I like the way it feels.