Page 9 of Nightmare

“I’m totally going to spill a drink on someone,” I say, attempting to lift a tray of drinks and placing it back down when it wobbles.

“Here, I’ll show you a trick,” Luna says, and proceeds to help me splay out my fingers and hold the tray correctly, so as not to drop it. “It’s all in the way you hold your hand.”

I laugh, nervously. “You’re so good at this.”

“Oh, trust me, I wasn’t always. I spilt three drinks into the lap of some very rich men my first night. Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us.”

I give her a worried expression. “I don’t know if that makes me feel better or worse.”

She laughs, flicking her light pink hair over her shoulder. “Drop that beautiful Southern accent on them, and trust me, they’ll forget about it.”

“I’m starting to think I’m lucky to be walking around with this drawl.” I grin.

She nods. “Girl, I could listen to you talk all day. But, there are drinks to be served. You’ve got this. Table nine.”

I take the tray and carefully walk toward table nine, which is near the main stage. There are five men sitting at that table, and they’re all wearing business suits, leaning back, watching the girls dance on the stage. I wonder, as I approach, how many of them have wives sitting at home. It’s not my business, of course, but I do know that there are a lot of men in here who really shouldn’t be.

It's sad.

“Good evening, gentlemen,” I drawl as I approach. “I’ll warn you now, it’s my first night, so if I spill something on you, you’ll have to forgive me.”

I flash them my best smile, and a few chuckles break out around the table.

“Trust me, darlin’,” a dark-haired man grins, “you can spill anything on me and I wouldn’t be mad.”

“Well now you’re just being nice.” I wink, placing the tray down.

I hand out their drinks and then scoop the tray up and walk away. I reach the bar and Luna has another round made and ready to go.

“You’ve charmed them all already,” Luna says, her eyes on table nine. “They’re going to tip well tonight.”

I wouldn’t say no to that.

I smile. “It’s the charm.”

“It’s more than that, you’re freaking adorable to add to it. You’ll have every man in this place wrapped around your little finger in a matter of hours. I think you’ll fit right in here.”

I wave a hand at her, but she’s not entirely wrong. I’ve been called adorable my entire life. I still think it has a lot to do with that fact that when I talk, I sound just like Lottie from the moviePrincess and the Frog, only a little less full on. I can’t deny that it is my favorite movie of all time, so I probably go a little overboard sometimes on the accent. Either way, people love it, and it seems to keep them interested longer than most.

Otherwise, I figure I’m pretty typical. Petite, with a curvy body, a little too much pudge on my belly, a round bottom, and average sized breasts. My hair is blond, long, and slightly curled at the ends. I have dark brown eyes, thanks to my dad, and they’re without a doubt my best feature. My skin is a little paler than I’d like, and my lips, I think, are too big for my face. Still, I like who I am, and I make sure the world knows that. I’m not on this earth for anyone else’s approval. I am who I am, and you can like me, or not.

I’m fine with both.

“Well, I hope you’re right,” I say, scooping up the tray and moving to the next table.

Luna was right—within a few hours, the place is packed. I move around constantly, serving and cleaning, but, eventually, some more floor staff come in and they take over handing out the drinks. That leaves me to help Luna, and she teaches me how to make drinks and a few more bar tasks. It’s quite fun, and I’m loving all the conversation I get to have with people who stop at the bar.

I haven’t seen him yet, though.

I wonder if he will come tonight?

Gosh, I hope so.

“You’re doing really great,” Luna says, tossing a towel over her shoulder and taking a drink of water while we get a small break in customers because there is a show on.

“Thanks, it sure is busy.” I swipe sweat from my brow. “But it’s really fun.”

“I love it.”