Page 7 of Nightmare

“Or maybe—” I wiggle a finger at him “—he’s just broken and nobody will listen to his truth.”

“He’s a murderer. He served twenty years for being a murderer. What more is there to say?”

“I just want to know what really happened. There is a lot of talk about that, but nobody ever takes it further because they can’t get close to him. I’m going to get close to him.”

“He’s married, you do know that, don’t you?”

He’s married because the club wanted him to be married, to look normal, to act normal, to get back to a life that he was snatched away from. At least, that’s my take on it. Either way, you never see him with his so-called wife, hell, you barely see him at all. It doesn’t matter, though. I’m not here to try and be his lover, I’m here to find out the truth.

I wave a hand. “That has nothing to do with what I need or want from him.”

“Maybe not, but I still think you’re playing with fire. He’ll never talk to you, Bonnie. Not even your sweet Southern charm will sway him. He’s going to find out you’re a reporter and attempt to murder you like the last one.”

I snort. “Firstly, he didn’t actually hit her. Secondly, he’s not going to know I’m a reporter.”

Leo narrows his eyes. “How exactly do you plan on doing that?”

“I got a job at the club.” I shrug. “I’m going to chip away at him until he talks to me.”

Shaking his head, Leo reaches out and grabs my shoulders. “Girl, I love you, but your plan is absolutely terrible. He’s not going to talk to you, surely you know that? He doesn’t talk to anyone. You think the bar staff there haven’t already tried?”

I smile at him. “He hasn’t met me. I’m hard to say no to.”

“Why? Because you’re tiny, beautiful, and you have that stupid accent that wins even the best of us over?”

I laugh and give him my biggest grin. “Exactly.”

I’m what you would call a Southern Belle. I grew up in the south, and only moved here about ten years ago, but my accent has stuck. Not to mention, I havethatlook, hell, even the name. People who meet me are automatically drawn to my cheerful, charming nature and soft Southern accent. I’ve been told I can make a person smile even on their darkest days. I’m loving, a trait that has always led me in the right direction, and I’m sweet as cherry pie.

Oh yes, Western won’t be able to turn me away.

At least, that’s my hope.

“Your charm won’t work on a man like him. Do you think he’s just going to open up and start telling you his secrets?”

“No, but over time, I plan on creating a relationship with him. Maybe then he’ll let me in just a little. I only need a snippet to find out the truth, Leo. Just enough to dig further.”

Shaking his head, Leo gives me that signature look that tells me he’s not happy with my plan.

“It’ll be fine.” I wave him off before he can say anything else. “I’ve got this.”

“Fine, but I’m going to be looking out for you. Don’t even try to tell me not to. I don’t trust that man, and I think you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

“How very poetic of you,” I tease.

“Hey, Leo.”

A beautiful blond waves to him as we walk down the street. Leo is known around town for his incredible good looks, charm, and personality. He’s a ladies’ man, and he knows it. He and I have been friends for close to eight years now, and even though I can see how gorgeous the man is, I’ve never had any type of feelings for him. He’s my very best friend, and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

Still, the guy isn’t bad to have by my side.

“Hey, Maria,” he nods.

Mortified, the girl curls her top lip and scoffs. “It’s Macy.”

I muffle a laugh as he gives her a guilty smile and we keep walking. God, he’s got so many of them he doesn’t even remember their names.

“You’re terrible,” I say, as soon as we’re out of ear shot. “Poor girl.”