“We could go bowling withhumans,” I realize.
“Dear demons who feast upon the souls of the damned, I ask you with a heavy heart to protect my new best friend Landon,” Deus says.
“I see a demon!” I exclaim.
“Where?” Deus asks, thoroughly excited until I point at Valerie rushing our way.
“Nah, my man, that one’s too scary to be a demon. Our demons, who be chillin’ in Hell—”
“The ambulance is here,” Valerie announces.
I reach out and run my fingers over Valerie’s cheek, then over her lips, eyes, and nose. “You’re a good demon.”
“Landon, please…” August is getting choked up as I look over at him.
“August, I’m fine!”
“You’re not fine.”
“I just feel a bit… lightheaded… and… why is everything floating?”
“Because you’re levitating everything in the room!”
Everything hits the ground with a thump as people are suddenly on me. “August!”
“I’m right here.”
“You’re like the sun, burning my retinas, and making me hard,” I say.
“That’s… thank you?” August seems uncertain for some reason. I’m not sure if I’ll ever know why as I’m pulled up onto a gurney while people rush around me and haul me off.
“Go with him,” Valerie says before pointing at Deus. “You too, and you better fucking protect him or I will castrate you, do you hear me?”
“Ooh, that’s a really good threat. I like that!” Deus says, clearly pleased as he rushes after me out the door. “I like her. She has good threats. But I also dislike her. Weird.”
Landon keeps trying to grab for his stomach as the medical team holds his hands away and loads him into the ambulance. Quickly, I scoop Zacia up into my arms and hold her tight as she stares at Landon.
“I have to be in the back,” I say.
“It’d be best if you were up front with the driver,” a woman says, but I shake my head and send Deus up there.
“I don’t even know who I can trust right now… please. I have to be with him. I should have… I should have seen them coming for Landon,” I say, but I hadn’t even been through the door yet. I shouldn’t have let Landon go first. I shouldn’t have let him ever leave the house when I knew this shit was going on. I can’t lose him. I can’t possibly lose the man who has given me his heart.
“Would showing you my booty make you feel better?” Landon asks, looking over at me as they show me to my seat inside the ambulance.
“I’ll feel better once you’re okay,” I assure him.
He gives me a soft smile. “August, I’m too evil to die, so don’t worry.”
“You’re not as evil as you pretend to be. You’re the greatest person I’ve ever met,” I admit, wishing I could reach out to him, wishing I could touch him, but I can’t disrupt them when they’re busy working on him to keep him alive.
Instead, I’m forced to sit here as I try my absolute hardest to keep the tears back. I don’t want him to realize just how terrified I am that these are our last moments. That I will lose what has finally made me whole. I’m not even sure what I would do with my life without him in it.