Page 43 of A Hero in Hiding

“Fine. If you hurt him, I will blow a hole right through your useless head.”

“You’re evil and I love it,” I inform Deus.

“Thank you,” he says with a smile.

God, this fucking hurts. Am I going to be taken down by some crazy woman I’ve never seen before? I should have been paying attention. I should have tossed her off into the next year. I should have at least painted the wall with her blood so we could go down together and meet in the afterlife where I’d bitch slap her!

Dennis kneels next to me and starts applying pressure to the wound, which makes me debate seeing how far I can toss a human body. I bet it’s pretty far.

“That alright?” he asks.

“Yes, it’s lovely,” I growl.

August is in a panic. “Deus, watch him, please,” he says as he rushes off until he realizes I’m clinging onto his shirt, which sends me careening after him in the wheeled chair I’m sitting in.

“Don’t leave me!” I say.

“I need to get you to a hospital. Do I take you? I should take you. Fuck.” August is panicking beyond belief as he does a little jig like he’s not sure which way to go.

“Hey, babe, I’m fine,” I say. “Totes fine.”

“You’d never say totes unless you were dying!” he exclaims. “He’s dying. Someone, he’s dying.”

“My swizzle,” I mumble.

That must be the final straw for August because he scoops me up and busts through the door, running through the building that’s in pure chaos. Valerie catches up to us by tossing a woman in the complete other direction which is a really weird turn-on for me. “That was hot, Valerie!”

Valerie seems confused. So am I.

“August, I’ve called emergency services; we need to put him somewhere safe until they arrive.”

“He’s going to die if they’re not fast enough. I should drive him. I can drive—”

She catches his arm. “August, he’s not going to die. They are already on the way and can apply medical support the moment they arrive.”

I reach out and stroke Valerie’s arm and find that her shirt feels like velvet. “Valerie! You look so pretty. You’re like a little angel.”

Valerie stares at me. “Fucking hell, he really is dying.”

August seems to decide that the end of my life is upon us, and Deus is running ahead chucking people out of the way. The way he makes peopleflymakes me giggle for some reason.

“August, I’m fine, my boo.”

“If you let me help, I can slow the bleeding!” Dennis yells.

“Oh shit. Right,” August says as he skids to a stop.

“I’ll get the car.” Valerie runs ahead as August drops down right there, laying me out on the floor.

“August, the floor has germs. I don’t want germs,” I cry as Zacia stands with her front paws on my forehead like she’s not sure what the fuck is happening but is going to use the power of her paws to revive me.

Dennis presses something tight against my stomach and tries to wrap it down so the pressure won’t let up, and I decide that I will simplypussshhhhim away. Dennis grabs for anything he can as he slides across the floor to the other end of the room.

“Landon, he’s trying to help,” August says as Dennis crawls back to me before I simplypuuuushhhhim away again.

I gasp.

“What?” August asks in alarm.