Page 45 of A Hero in Hiding

“Stop looking like that! Poke your voodoo doll some more,” Landon says.

“Is that what this is?” I realize in horror. “Am I jabbing a voodoo doll?”

“Nah, I’m joking. I have no idea what it is. It’s fine and fun so it’s all good,” he says with a smile.

“I can’t lose you, Landon.”

“That’s the last thing you have to worry about. I’d worry more about what clothes you’re going to put on Zacia.”

“She’s already clothed,” I say as I tug at her superhero outfit.

“She’s fucking adorable,” he says.

I cradle Zacia against me, relieved to have her since I’m not sure what I’d do with my hands otherwise. She won’t stop staring at Landon but presses against me, giving me some added strength as Landon turns quiet. Nothing has panicked me more than the moment he stops talking crazy.

“Landon, I love you,” I say.

“Hmm… I love you… fucking hell, are you planning on murdering me?” he cries as someone does something, and then suddenly everything in the ambulance that isn’t fastened down besides me is floating, including the medical personnel.

“Landon, you need to drop them!” I say.

He opens his eyes and stares at the woman pressed against the ceiling for a long moment. “Am I in the sky? Did Deus’s demons take me?”

“You’re levitating them!”

“Oh, shit,” he says as he drops everyone so as we arrive at the hospital and the back doors are opened by an awaiting team, everyone is just wallowing on the ground.

“I can explain,” Landon says. “There was this fly… and I got it.”

I have absolutely no idea what that means at all, but I set Zacia down on the chair to help the people up as the medical team takes Landon out. Once it’s clear no one is hurt and everyone is on their feet, I grab Zacia and rush after them.

With Landon’s connection to me, he’ll be in a special area that will keep his safety a top priority, but I’m still not sure it’s enough when this illusionist seems to be able to manipulate everyone. I see that a team issued by Valerie is already here to guard him as we arrive, which is slightly relieving. But so is Deus, who is threatening a poor lady who was just trying to get something out of the vending machine but happened to be in the way. Deus seems positive she’s a secret murderer come to tear Landon to pieces.

A nurse catches me as they go to wheel him into a secure area. “We’ll have you wait in the waiting room.”

“I refuse. What if someone attacks him?” I say as I see Deus go invisible, likely to follow Landon through the closing doors. “We don’t know who is manipulating people like this. They could very easily manipulate one of your doctors into killing him and there’d be nothing I could do out here.”

She hesitates. “I understand your concern—”

“I have to be in there. I don’t know who is after him.”

“Okay. But you have to stay back, do you understand? In the corner of the room, and you areonlyallowed to engage if you think something is happening.”

After agreeing, I have to go through their protocol to even be allowed in the room. I try to hurry them along, but they’re thorough. The only reason I’m not just tossing their protocol to the side and rushing in is that Deus is in the room. I reluctantly leave Zacia with Wyatt who arrives just before I’m allowed to go back.

By the time I reach the room, they’re already prepping Landon for surgery, and I’m directed over to the farthest corner where I quietly remain.

“I’ll stare at him, so you don’t have to watch if it makes you uneasy,” Deus says from somewhere near me since I still can’t see him.

“Okay,” I say, instead focusing on the other people to keep my mind off Landon. Watching their every move gives me something to fixate on that isn’t different scenarios of how injured Landon is. Thankfully, the surgery isn’t long before the doctor comes over to me.

“Everything went smoothly. Nothing vital was hit, it was just a matter of getting him closed up. We have him on good pain meds at the moment and the area should be numb for a little while longer. He’ll be moved shortly. Do you have any questions?”

My mind is too fixated on the fact that he’s okay, that something life-threatening didn’t get hit, that he’ll still be beside me, that I don’t even know what to say so I shake my head.

“Great. He’ll be moved to a new unit shortly. I know security is an issue, so they’re trying to figure that out first. Once they finish up, you can sit by him.”

“Thank you,” I say.