“Shall we go back to our room, Mr. Wilcox… I think we’ve both waited long enough for our moment - haven’t we?” she invited softly.
“With pleasure, my lovely bride.”
* * *
Everly laythere as Alex held her in the darkness, dropping a soft kiss on her shoulder as they talked in the middle of the night. It was nearly three in the morning, and it was as if they couldn’t share enough of their lives together. The floodgates were open, both walls were down, and she thought they had been open with each other before… only to realize that was nothing.
“Dill pickles or sweet?”
“Pickled okra,” she smiled.
“Ughhh - and I kissed that mouth?”
“Several times in fact,” she laughed softly, only to feel him nuzzle her cheek playfully as he cradled her close.
“Fine… how about another? Chocolate or vanilla?”
“Thank goodness.”
“High heels or flats?” Everly asked this time, before he could ponder another question.
“Honestly? Neither… I don’t have a preference. Now, if you asked me sweater or blouse? I would have said…”
“Sweater,” she finished, chuckling.
“Sweater,” he confirmed, kissing her temple. “I love the way it fits your curves and makes you look so soft, yet feminine.”
“Morning or evening person?”
“Anytime as long as I am with you,” Alex said tenderly, “But normally mornings. I love getting up early, getting a run in, having a cup of coffee, and checking my email. It gets my day started.”
“I’m the same. I get up, have my coffee, get to the office, and like to take a few minutes to get my feet under me before things get busy.”
“Do you want a big family… or a small one?”
“A big family,” she breathed softly. “It was always Killian and I – and while we got along? I always wished I had a sister to play Barbies with… and Mallory is about as close as that ‘sister’ got for me.”
“Oh gosh, Everly…” Alex whispered painfully and she felt him tense. “I cannot tell you how sorry I am, just know that I will never forgive myself for hurting you. I mean, I was so drunk that I was falling asleep – and that’s why I don’t touch any of the stuff anymore. I don’t like losing control, and nothing is worth losing you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you, too… and always will,” he said softly. “Bigfoot.”
“Did you just call me Bigfoot?” she echoed in disbelief.
“No,” he chuckled, burying his face against her neck – as if embarrassed. “My Nana always gave me a hard time about being tall and having big feet as a growing boy… so my call sign was going to be ‘Bigfoot’because it sounded ‘cool’and ‘you’ll never see me coming’,” Alex’s laughter joined Everly’s in the darkness as they talked.
“Maestro is sooo much better…” she chuckled.
“Isn’t it though?” Alex said easily, and then hesitated. “Hey Everly?”
“Do you think it would look good on a business card?”
“What do you mean?”