Page 90 of Forever Flirting

That would be different.

The details were a little sketchy in her head at how she would feel emotionally when they were together. Would there be lots of sighs? Of course there would be lots of kissing, but in all the pirate romance books there was some epic fight or swashbuckling mutiny that interrupted that first lovemaking session – or the woman would swoon, overcome by desire, and wake up in love - but she already in love with Alex.

No pirates and swooning – but did things get better emotionally other than already being in love? When she looked at him, she felt such a surge of emotion already. What would touching him, kissing him, and loving him, feel like inside of her soul?

Her heart already felt like it was ready to explode when he kissed her, but could someone actually expire from desiring your soulmate?

“I hope that’s not the case…” she muttered aloud, as Alex came back inside with what looked like a grocery bag.

“Close your eyes,” he asked softly, “And just trust me on this.”

Everly dutifully closed her eyes and heard him moving around for a few moments, before feeling his hands touch her shoulders.

“Don’t open your eyes yet…”

“Okay,” Everly laughed nervously, following his lead as he spun her around before walking her slightly off to the left. She felt him put his arm almost around her as he leaned close.

“Open your eyes…” Alex whispered – and she did so, hesitating.

She was expecting flowers, or some romantic gesture, maybe a gift with a bow on it, or something poignant… but not what she saw.

There were four shot glasses lined up before them – and a bottle of water. Alex was standing there at her back, like he had so many years ago at the Lizard Lounge, when they had first run into each other.

“Hi,” he said softly, fighting back a smile. “Do you come here often?”

“What are you doing?” she whispered, looking over her shoulder and meeting his eyes.

“I’m Alex – Alex Wilcox – and if I had that night to do all over again? I would have blurted out everything in my mind, and maybe things would have been so different between us. I saw you across the room and watched you walk up to the bar, desperately needing to know who you were. I was so fascinated by that breathtaking girl in the pink sweater who was dancing and telling the other guys to buzz-off that evening…”

Her eyes began to sting with emotion as she realized what Alex was doing. He was trying to recreate the night they first met, to rewrite their memories, so things could… so they could have their happily ever after.

“Everly Briscoe… Wilcox,” she replied emotionally, already changing the dynamics by giving out her name to him, turning to look at him.

“That Wilcox fellow is a really lucky man…” Alex said breathlessly, not looking away from her eyes. “I bet you are a heart surgeon, aren’t you?”

“Nope,” she chuckled, remembering the cheesy pickup lines he had used that evening, and how she’d felt at hearing them. Oh goodness, he’d been so handsome, so devastating, and she had wanted to dive right into his arms to see what it was like to be held by someone who she was attracted to.

Everly picked up the shot glass, remembering that night, and threw it back bravely, bracing herself… and then laughed softly.

“That’s water.”

“My beautiful wife doesn’t drink – and neither does her lucky husband anymore. Neither of us want to have anything to dull the magic growing between us…”

“She’s a lucky girl,” Everly whispered, reaching for Alex as he leaned down, both remembering that first kiss they’d shared and how intense it was… and wasn’t disappointed in the slightest.

As his lips touched hers, she felt his tongue tentatively brush against hers, tasting as he deepened the kiss between them. His hand cradled the back of her head, coaxing her mouth open against his. This time, there was no tequila, no lingering taste of cigarette smoke… just her beloved Alex.

He broke the kiss, whispering to her. “Brain surgeon? Because I cannot think when you look at me…”

His arm slid around her waist.

“Pediatrician,” she whispered breathlessly against his lips. Things were so different, so beautiful this time around, and she was really glad they were recreating that moment again, needing to right a few wrongs, grasping at a second chance between them. “I love children and…”

“Everly, I need you,” he breathed hoarsely, interrupting her and kissing the corner of her mouth sweetly. “Not just in my bed but in my life, at my side. I love you and always have. Don’t ever leave me again. It would break my heart to think that I ever did something to drive you away.”

“Never,” she acknowledged softly, “And don’t you ever touch anyone else. Am I clear? I’ll never give you a reason to look or stray, so long as you are honest and faithful to me –and me alone.”

“Always,” he vowed, his voice sharp and raw as he looked at her. “That will never happen again, because I am not going to be stupid enough to damage anything we have, or give you reason to ever doubt me. I love you,only you, and always will,” he promised, as he gathered her into his arms, kissing her passionately.