“The guys were talking to me before our reception, when I was outside with them… they were asking me what my plans were for the future – and mentioned working at Flyboys. I wouldn’t make nearly as much money as what I bring in now because of my hazardous duty pay…”
“What do you want to do?”
“I want to be here, with you, to have Caleb know me as his father. I want to be close when we have other children, to be able to celebrate holidays together as a family, and…”
“I want that, too.”
“It would be a big change, and not something that I could reverse.”
“The decision is yours alone, and if you aren’t ready…”
“Everly,” Alex interrupted, rolling her over and looking at her, his face hidden in the shadows. “The decision is ours because it involves both of us. I could wait, finish my time in the Air Force, and try to get a duty station here in the States, but I would never ask you to move – and then there’s Caleb. I could never take my son from Mallory…”
“No, you c-couldn’t.”
“No, I know. I cannot,” he whispered softly. “And I want to be home for both of you. Things might be weird living with Mallory, but maybe we could help her get an apartment close by within walking distance and…”
“You are such a good person,” she said tenderly, stroking his cheek, touched by his capacity to care and love.
He was willing to help Mallory, just so they could all stay within a close distance of each other – and she knew from seeing the two of them together, that there was nothing there. There was a certain wariness of the other person - being barely held together by Caleb.
“I want to be home with you and Caleb…”
“Then it sounds like your mind is settled already.”
“You aren’t nervous?”
“Nervous to have my husband home?” she smiled tenderly. “Never… besides, if I’m the ‘bread winner,’ then that means you get to do what I say…”
“Oh geez…” Alex chuckled, rolling his eyes dramatically before smiling at her. “If you are the ‘bread winner’– and I have a flexible schedule, then that means I can spend time at home with our little ones and not have to worry about daycare.”
“Now you’re talking…” Everly said tenderly.
“I could teach Caleb to fly when he gets older,” Alex began quietly, kissing her. “I could whisk you away for a weekend anytime we wanted,” he offered, kissing her once more. “I could be home to experience all the little things that makeusincredible together, my love.”
“Sounds like you are coming home…” Everly sighed as Alex pulled her into his arms, and she felt that warmth within her soul awaken as she recognized a certain look in his eyes.
“Sounds like I am…” he said huskily, kissing her once more.
Ghazni, Afghanistan
A week later…
Alex wasin Reilly’s office with his squadron leader, Reaper, to discuss his new assignment for a wingman. Ghost had left a week ago, getting out of the Air Force and going home to Yonder, because his new wife Mary was pregnant.
For a moment he was scared that Ghost had taken the open position at Flyboys – and used one of his precious calling cards to confirm that this wasn’t the case before he put his foot in his mouth today.
“Maestro, did you have any preferences? I already know who I plan on putting you with…” Reilly was speaking, and both of the other men were standing at parade rest with their hands behind them, staring straight ahead just like Reilly preferred.
The hard-headed man claimed it was a sign of respect… only he never gave it in return. No, Reilly was about the meanest, hardest guy he had ever worked for, and if it wasn’t for the rest of the team? He would have requested a transfer long ago.
Alex would miss Sparky’s infectious enthusiasm and secretive ways. He still had no idea who the man was talking to on the sly, but something was definitely up… and he wasn’t hiding it as much nowadays.
He also told Ricochet of his plans, pulling Everly’s brother aside to talk to him – only to discover that his new brother-in-law had something in the works that he wasn’t ready to discuss with anyone yet.