I’m so glad you liked the earrings – and my Nana. Yup, she’s a piece of work and adores Caleb. Thank you for taking him over to see her. I’m glad you two hit it off and Wednesdays is now girls’ bingo night. I’ll have to remember that…
My flight is quite a mess. I’ve got layovers at Barcelona, La Guardia, then Dulles, then DFW, and finally taking a small Embraer jet over to Tyler… so it would be wonderful to see you when I get there. Don’t panic if I’m late – lots of layovers means lots of chances for delays. Most of the time the guys fly into DFW because of the international flights and ease of scheduling, but this round it happened to work out perfectly.
I should be there around four in the afternoon – so maybe I can take you to dinner that night before dropping me off at my grandmothers.
I cannot wait to see you. It feels like it’s been forever.
Not sure how to ask this, but did something happen when your brother was in town with Paradox? Did they hang around your house – with Mallory and Caleb?
* * *
Two weeks later…
Alex was departingfrom the plane and hefted his bag onto his shoulder, walking down the ramp towards luggage claim. He was wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and a black jacket, trying to fly inconspicuously this round, in case he wanted to have a drink to settle his nerves.
He was terribly nervous about seeing Everly, and trying to take things cool, playing it slow, and hoping that they could develop this friendship between them a little more so she felt comfortable with him.
As he walked down the ramp, he looked up and saw her smile in the distance, feeling his heart hammer wildly in his chest.
Everly was so beautiful, just glowing in the sunlight streaming through the windows behind her where it was setting in the distance, and wearing that pretty pink cashmere cardigan that he’d bought her. She looked like an angel in that sweet, pale pink. That single moment where she turned to look at him at the bar would forever be ingrained in his mind.
Part of him wished she’d brought Caleb… but another part of him selfishly was delighted it was just her.
As he walked through the exits at security, he strode forward and immediately moved to hug her, dropping his bag at his feet carelessly. He pulled her into his arms, holding her close, breathing in her perfume, and didn’t say a word, just needing to hold her.
Her arms slipped around his waist, holding him close, as she buried her face against his neck, taking a deep breath, and waiting… almost as if she needed this as much as he did.
“Welcome home,” she finally breathed, and he closed his eyes against the emotions slamming into him at the simple words.
“It’s good to be… home,” he instead said hoarsely, feeling so overwhelmed at probably the best greeting he’d had by far. “How have you been? Let me look at you,” he said softly, backing away as his eyes drank in the sight of her.
She smiled up at him tearfully, reaching up to touch his cheek with so much emotion that he was stunned and humbled by the sweetness of her hand caressing his skin like it was an everyday occurrence.
“You sheared your hair off again,” she laughed tearfully. “You keep it cut so close now, and I think I actually miss the poofy-stuff in front sometimes.”
“Keeping it short helps with the helmet hair,” he grinned, pulling her back into his arms and hugging her once more. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too. Are you hungry? Let’s eat…”
“A girl after my own heart,” he smiled easily, hefting his bag onto his shoulder and clasping her hand in his as they left the airport, heading for her car, talking about everything and anything that had happened over the last few months.
Even an hour later, as they were sitting there splitting a skillet of fajitas and attacking it with gusto, he couldn’t help but watch the miracle before him. Everly practically crackled with life. There was such an intensity to her, a raw joy, that he couldn’t help but feel attracted to her.
It wasn’t any one thing that drew him, but rather the culmination of everything that simply was her. Even when she grew old, she would be one of the hottest women he’d ever met, because of that fire within her eyes and zest for life.
… And saw her hesitate, smiling shyly at him.
“What?” he smiled, feeling almost in a daze.
“I think that is the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me…” Everly whispered tenderly.
“Oh,” he hesitated… and then felt his face heat up with embarrassment. “Oh man, did I say that out loud?” – only to hear her laughter.
“Yeah, you did,” she beamed at him, her eyes dancing and glossy with emotion as she stared at him. “I am so happy to see you, and this has been wonderful.”