What a pistol!
She’s… spunky?! A terror? A true delight, but doesn’t know when she is crossing the line with people…
I’ve never laughed so much or had such a wonderful time – in fact – it was ‘decreed’ (ordered) that Wednesdays are now our ‘girls’ night’ and I will be playing bingo with her.
I adore your Nana (once you get past the shock) and attached is a few photos that I took today. I had Caleb with me, and she just gobbled him up, leaving little kissy marks on his cheeks and forehead when we were leaving.
She’s such a sweet lady (again, when you get past the mouth) and I’m really glad I went to see her.
Two weeks left until you are here… and I am so ready.
Send me your flight details and I will pick you up.
Alex nearly tackledRicochet the moment he returned with Paradox, wanting more details on how Everly reacted to the earrings. She’d sent him an email and a photograph of herself, but he wanted to know every iota of that moment.
Did she catch her breath? Trace the infinity loops? Did she question the pink? Was she smiling? Did she get teary eyed? Worse yet – was she indifferent? Did he screw up in the selection?
Paradox was utterly silent… and honestly?
So was Ricochet.
Both men looked supremely bothered by something, and their cool dispositions both appeared slightly alarmed. Paradox usually had some smart-aleck comment or would mutter something under his breath, but there was nothing.
Ricochet should have laughed at him, told him to cool his jets, or invited him to have a cup of coffee so they could talk away from the barracks… but there was nothing except a deep furrow between his brows that were creased in consternation, making Alex worry.
“Sooo?” Alex blurted out. “What did she say? How’s my son?”
“You’re good.”
“What’s that mean?”
“It means ‘you are good’…” Ricochet said quietly, looking distracted. “She loved the earrings, got all weepy and mushy, and talked about you the entire time I hung out with her. Now, if you’ll excuse me? I’ve got to send an email and mail a package.”
“I’m coming,” Paradox volunteered grimly. “I’ve got to send an email, too.”
“Wait – how’s my son?” Alex hollered behind the two men – and was shocked when Paradox looked over his shoulder. “What’s going on?”
“Caleb is doing well and happy. He’s excited about you coming to visit in a few weeks. You should bring him something from here.”
… And with that, Paradox walked off behind Ricochet down the hallway.
Wait… what?!
Paradox spent time… with Caleb? The other pilot knew his son’s name? Where was Everly – or Mallory? What in the world happened during the last week?
Alex stood there, shocked.
* * *
My dearest Everly,