Page 69 of Forever Flirting

“Does it have to be over?”

“We should probably be going in a little bit. It’s getting a little late, and I’m sure you are tired.”

“I am – but there’s dulce de leche…”

“True,” she chuckled, and glanced at him through her lashes. “Would you like it to-go… so we can talk?”

Alex swallowed.

He didn’t want to talk. He wanted to kiss her so badly he could taste it and took a drink of his water with a slice of lime, just so he was certain he didn’t blab that aloud, too.

“S-Sure,” he said easily, hating the crack in his voice. He was trying to be so good, take things so slow with her, and staying on the ‘friend’ path… but it was getting to be really difficult.

“Why don’t we get one for your grandmother, too,” she offered softly. “Maybe we could bribe her to make some coffee and sit for a spell before I need to head home. I tried to have my team push all my appointments to the mornings, so I have each afternoon this week and all of Friday off."

"That’s wonderful,” he replied, feeling something turn over in his chest, realizing that she was just as excited for his visit as he was.

The waiter came over, and he quickly ordered three desserts to go – and handed over his bank card before Everly could get her wallet out.

“This was going to be my treat,” she countered. “Friends treat each other.”

“But first dates do not,” Alex replied swiftly, meeting her gaze.

“That’s true.”

Her voice was infinitely soft, and there was a gentleness in her large brown eyes that made him want to drown in there. Everything about her was soft, welcoming, and so distinctly feminine that he was hopelessly drawn forward, wanting to touch or drink her in.

“We can still take things slow, but I’d like for this to be a date, remember?”

“I do,” she replied softly.

Moments later, they walked out to her car together, holding hands, while Alex carried the three Styrofoam containers in a bag. He opened the driver’s side door for her and watched her smile, knowing that the little things made her happy.

He would do anything to see that smile – and knew it.

As they drove to his grandmother’s where he was going to stay for a few days while in town, he listened to Everly tell him about how her brother had met some girl while he was here and how Caleb couldn’t wait to see him.

“I thought maybe we could take him to the Children’s Park in Tyler…”

“That would be wonderful,” Alex admitted, watching her profile as they drove. “I think he would like something where he can run around and touch things.”

“I’d say the zoo, but it can be a little overwhelming too, and his little legs will get tuckered out.”

“Maybe we can take him together when he’s a little older,” Alex began, and saw Everly’s smile meet his as she nodded.

“I think I would really like that.”

“I remember when my parents took me to the Cotton Belt Train museum – and I think you need to be the right age for some of it. I had just turned thirteen and was ‘too cool’ to be looking at stuff like that…” Alex smiled, surprised that the memory came to him. It had been a while since he thought of his own parents and childhood. “Mom used to take me to the zoo, but I was about eight or ten years old.”

“Hmm…” Everly said quietly, a tiny corner of her lips curling upwards. “That means you are thinking about this almost six years from now.”

“I meant forever…” Alex whispered, almost holding his breath.

“So you did,” she replied softly, pulling in the driveway and turning off the car.

“That doesn’t bother you?”

“I would be more bothered if you didn’t intend for things to work out or last,” she answered honestly, not shying away from him – and then looking up as the porch light came on. “She’s going to be waiting to see you and get a hug.”