Elizabeth was so turned on that her cheeks heated as she sat there squirming while Daddy got dinner ready.
Soon, he brought two steaming bowls of soup to the table and turned a chair so he was fully facing her when he sat. He set his hands on her spread knees and rubbed her thighs, driving her arousal higher. She figured he was well aware of her reactions.
“You look so precious, Bunny. Would you like Daddy to take a picture so you can see how pretty you are?”
She licked her lips. “You promise you won’t show anyone?”
“Promise. I would never share anything about our private life with another living soul without your permission, Elizabeth.”
“Okay, Daddy.” She trusted him with her life. Maybe it wasn’t rational, but she felt like she’d been his Little girl for ages instead of just a few days.
Daddy rose and grabbed his phone from the counter. He also opened a drawer and brought something else back with him. After snapping a few pictures, he spun the phone around and showed them to her.
Elizabeth bit her lip as she stared at her image. The Little girl in the photo looked nothing like her. She was so deep in a very young headspace that she didn’t resemble the adult who owned and managed a business.
Daddy set the phone down on the table and picked up the strange bendy metal item.
“What’s that, Daddy?”
“It’s a tripod.” He stood it up on the table and adjusted the three legs before attaching the phone to the front. “I’ll let the camera run while I feed you so you can watch it back later.”
Elizabeth shivered at the idea. Did she want to see herself in a playback behaving so young? She wasn’t sure, but moments later, she was certain the camera was rolling as Daddy took his seat again and picked up her bowl.
It was a lavender bowl with pretty yellow flowers on it, and the spoon he held was a thick plastic one like the kind toddlers used but adult sized. It was also lavender with yellow flowers on the wide handle.
Daddy put a small amount of soup on the spoon before blowing on it and holding it up to her lips. “Open up for me, Baby girl.”
Like a little bird, she did as he asked, partly because the soup smelled so good, and she was hungry. She moaned around the first bite, her taste buds bursting with the perfect mesh of flavors—potatoes, bacon, cheese, sour cream, and chives.
“Oh, Daddy, that’s so good. My customers would love it. Do you think I could have the recipe?”
Daddy chuckled, and for a moment she thought he was going to turn her down, but then he explained. “We can try to recreate it, Bunny, but I don’t use a recipe. I just toss things into the pot until I get it right.”
Elizabeth giggled. “I would have to hone the recipe so my customers know what to expect each time.”
“I’ll help you with that, Bunny. Maybe this weekend we can work on it.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” She opened her mouth wide to accept another bite and moaned around the flavor. It was so good.
Squirming in her seat, eager to eat more of the soup, she frowned when her Daddy took his time filling the spoon and then teased her by holding it just out of reach from her wide-open mouth.
“Daddy,” she whined. “More, please.”
He chuckled. “Little girls need to eat slowly so they don’t choke on their food.”
When she whimpered, he leaned closer to hold her attention. “Have you heard of topping from the bottom, Little one?”
She shook her head, her gaze shifting back and forth between the coveted spoon of soup and his face. After a moment, she sighed and leaned back a bit, realizing he was intent on explaining himself before he would give her the next bite. “What’s topping from the bottom, Daddy?”
“In the fetish community, it’s when the submissive tries to control a scene by telling the dominant what to do. For example, she might be strapped down securely to a spanking bench while she tries to instruct her Dom to spank her harder or use a different flogger.”
Elizabeth blinked, trying to figure out what his meaning was. Finally, it dawned on her and she blew out a breath. “Sorry, Daddy.”
He smiled. “Sometimes, Little girls need to spend some time being really Little. It helps them recharge, but it means turning over all control to Daddy and letting me make the decisions. It’s okay to feel eager and open that pretty little mouth in anticipation of the next bite, but let yourself submit to me fully. Don’t try to control the situation.”
“Yes, Daddy.” Her entire body tingled as she heeded his words. She didn’t think she’d ever been this aroused, not even in the past few days.