Daddy brought the spoon to her lips and fed her another bite before stroking her heated cheek with his thumb. “I love how pretty you are when you’re so flushed and needy.”
She whimpered and squirmed, wishing she could press her thighs together. The bulk of the diaper prevented her from doing any such thing.
When a dribble of soup hit her chin on the next bite, Daddy dragged the spoon over it to pick it up and then rose from the table, returning a few moments later with a damp cloth and a sippy cup of water.
After wiping her chin off, he offered her a drink. “Take a sip, Baby girl.”
She did as instructed, sliding deeper into Little space with each passing second. If someone would have told her she would find a Daddy and submit so fully to him a week ago, she would have laughed in their face.
Daddy continued to feed her the entire bowl of soup, taking bites of his own in between until it was all gone. He surprised her by popping the tray off and releasing her wrists. “Lift your arms, Baby girl.”
She did as instructed, curiosity causing her to watch his every move as he reattached the tray. He set her sippy cup on the tray next and then left her for a moment, returning from the pantry with a box of cereal.
Daddy opened it and poured some onto the tray. “Honey-nut O’s,” he told her. “Just enough sweetness to fulfill a Little girl’s sweet tooth, but still healthy. You can work on those while I clean the kitchen.”
She giggled. “Daddy, I don’t think this cereal can come close to competing with Sweet Tooth cupcakes.”
He tickled her neck. “You had a cupcake earlier at my parents’ house, Bunny. You don’t need another.” He pointed at the tray. “And don’t be a naughty Baby girl. Keep the cereal on the tray. If you throw it on the floor, I won’t let you have the privilege of eating finger foods in your highchair again for a while.”
Elizabeth swallowed hard at the babyish reprimand and her breath hitched when he moved the camera closer so she could see herself in the screen. She’d forgotten he was filming the entire meal.
When he walked away, she stared at herself for several seconds. The visual was much stronger than the mental image she’d had of herself. The high curly pigtails with the long flowing ribbons caught her attention first, and she shook her head back and forth, making them swing around in both directions.
She giggled. Who is that girl?
She shifted her gaze lower to the bib and the tray. She was so damn young. It shocked her that it didn’t make her panic. In fact, she kind of liked the entire scene. She watched herself in the camera as she daintily picked up one cheerio between her pointer and thumb before popping it in her mouth.
“One at a time, Bunny,” Daddy instructed from across the room. “Don’t stuff them all in at once. Chew them well.”
The flush on her cheeks increased as she picked up another cheerio, mesmerized by the camera. “Yes, Daddy.” She kicked her legs out a few times.
After picking up her sippy cup and taking a drink, she realized there was one thing missing from this picture that would seal the extremely young age range. Did she want to go there? Was she ready?
She was still staring at her sippy cup, thinking hard, wondering if she had the guts to ask for what she wanted when Daddy’s shadow fell over her. He gently removed the cup from her hand and replaced it with a bottle.
Elizabeth gasped as she tipped her head back to meet his gaze. How had he known?
He smiled as he stroked her cheek again with his thumb. “See how that feels, Bunny,” he encouraged before leaving her once again to return to the sink.
Elizabeth brought the bottle to her mouth. The nipple was adult-sized just like the nipple on the pacifier he’d given her. It felt nice as she wrapped her lips around it, and it only took a moment to get the feel of it and suck.
Cold milk. Perfect for drinking with cereal. He was definitely the best Daddy in the world. And psychic.
Feeling more content than she could remember, she ate all the cereal, glancing at the camera every few seconds, settling into her skin. She hadn’t ever considered herself to be this Little. It was shocking, but it felt right. Calming. All her responsibilities slid into the background as she emotionally turned her care over to her Daddy.
“Done, Bunny?” Daddy asked as he turned off the camera and detached it from the tripod. He set it on the table before unfastening her bib, removing her tray, and unbuckling her from the special booster seat.