“As cute as a bunny,” he announced.
“Let’s go feed the bunnies and then we’ll put some food in your tummy, Bunny.”
As they passed through the delicious-smelling kitchen, she felt like she waddled as he led her to the back door and slipped the boots she’d used before onto her feet. Elizabeth was definitely off balance and needed to hold on to his hand as they walked outside. She could feel the air blowing up her short dress and sliding over the skin of her upper thighs.
“Let’s stop and get a fresh treat for them,” Tom suggested, talking conversationally as if her attire was perfectly normal.
Maybe she’d get used to it? Elizabeth did feel very Little as she clung to his hand to cross the uneven grass.
They headed toward a small garden not too far from the house. Tom nodded toward the carrot tops in one corner. “Those are my Daddy carrots. You choose whichever one you like best, and we’ll feed that to Froufrou and Edgar.”
“I’m not going to pull out a carrot with a penis, Daddy,” Elizabeth scoffed, referring to their earlier conversation.
“We’ll see.”
Reaching down for one, she changed her mind and pulled the one diagonal to it. “What?” she cried. The carrot in her hand was definitely endowed. “No way!”
“Way. Come one, Little girl. The bunnies are hungry.”
Quickly, he brushed the soil off the carrot and snapped it into pieces. Tom allowed Elizabeth to deliver her treat to the soft creatures. She turned to look back at the garden as he added a few other things to their food bins. Could there really be a Daddy garden?
“Dinnertime for you, Bunny. Then some time with Daddy before bed.”
“I just woke up,” she protested and then yawned widely.
“You had a very stressful day yesterday and a spanking today. Little girls need lots of sleep. Do you like baked potato soup?”
“With cheese and bacon?” she asked eagerly.
“Of course.”
Chapter Fifteen
“What is that?” Elizabeth asked skeptically as she followed her Daddy back into the kitchen from the mudroom. She pointed at the strange chair as he pulled it out from the kitchen table.
“It’s a booster seat. Perfect for Little girls when they’re feeling really Little.” He grabbed her by the waist to swing her up into the air and twirl her around before sitting her on the special seat.
She thought maybe he’d swung her around on purpose to distract her from his intentions, and it worked. She was still giggling as he pulled straps around her waist and up between her legs to fasten her in securely.
She stopped laughing when he attached first one wrist and then the other to her sides before snapping a tray in front of her.
“Daddy…” She squirmed in the seat, feeling very restrained and very, very Little. Every movement caused her nipples to rub against the front of the dress, tormenting her.
When Daddy cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead tenderly, wetness leaked out of her. If she’d been wearing panties, they would have been soaked. She decided one of the benefits of wearing a diaper was to hide her arousal. She also decided the diaper itself was causing half of her arousal.
Something about playing in this younger age was making her entire body tingle, but this booster seat with the restraints and the tray was dragging her so much deeper into Little space.
She was also nervous to let herself feel the kind of scary feelings closing in on her. “Daddy?” she murmured again, timidly.
Tom met her gaze. “My Little girl needs some younger time tonight. Let Daddy take care of everything.”
She swallowed, fidgeting. When she tried to tug on her wrists, she ended up whimpering. Her nipples were so hard they ached.
“Don’t fight it, Baby girl. Daddy’s going to feed you. The restraints will help you learn to keep your hands out of the way when Daddy takes care of you. Let yourself submit to me, Little one.”
She wanted to submit to him in every way. She wanted it more than she’d ever wanted anything before in her life. As she watched him turn and move around the kitchen, she started panting.
His restraints always aroused her, but this scenario was more intense between the diaper, the babyish dress, the ruffled panties, and the booster seat that was now a highchair.
Tom grabbed a few items from a drawer and returned to stand behind her. Without a word, he brushed out her hair, parted it down the middle, and gathered it into two very high pigtails. He tied a thick blue ribbon that matched her dress around each of them, letting the long ends hang down to tease her cheeks and her neck when she moved.
When he was finished, he tied an adult-sized bib around her neck, the kind that was slick on the front and had a pocket along the bottom to catch anything that might dribble down her chin.