If only that was enough to slow his thundering heartbeat.

It was only a few hours. She would be fine. She’d be better than fine. She’d come home hyped up on sugar, with an amazing takeaway bag, and insist they immediately start planning her own party for later that summer.

“Oliver? You coming along?” Carly’s voice on the dock behind him made him turn.

She was dressed in a two-piece swimsuit, visible beneath a tight white tank top and cutoff jean shorts. Flip-flops and a wide-brimmed hat completed her casual, summery look. One that shouldn’t have his mouth going dry at the sight. It wasn’t the clothes but the curvy body underneath that had his gaze drifting over her as though it had a mind of its own. Perfectly round, soft-looking breasts appeared above the tank top, and long, tanned legs extended below the shorts. Her toes were a pretty pink color and he couldn’t remember if she’d ever painted her toes before. She must have, but he’d never noticed.

He was noticing now. Noticing so much...

She waved a hand in front of his face when he just stood there, taking her in. “Earth to Oliver,” she said with a laugh.

He snapped out of the odd trance her pretty pink toes had put him in and cleared his throat. “Just dropping off Tess. You’re going?” He should have suspected she would. She and Rachel were close and Carly adored Darcy. She often held sleepovers at her place with the two young girls. She was an honorary aunt of sorts and the kids loved spending time with her. She’d make a great mother if she ever wanted children of her own. Did she? Was she wanting to have a family? Husband too? How had he never wondered about that? They were best friends, but he was starting to see that the relationship had definitely been one-sided in his favor for a long time. He thought he knew her, but all of a sudden there seemed to be a lot he didn’t know.

And wanted to know...

“Wouldn’t miss a chance to eat birthday cake,” she said with a smile.

“Who’s manning the shop?”

“I’ve left Melissa in charge for today.”

Her smile faded slightly and he could tell by her tone she wasn’t completely confident in that decision.

“I mean, what’s the worst she can do, right?”

Oliver nodded. “Right.”

“No, I mean it. Tell me—what’s the worst she could do?” Carly asked with a fake hint of desperation.

Oliver laughed and some of his tension eased. Carly had that effect on him. His best friend was like a miracle drug some days. One he was afraid to become too reliant on, lest he become addicted, because what if it suddenly wasn’t available anymore? Realizing he wasn’t in the know about her future goals had him suddenly sweating that he might not be a part of them. Sure, they were best friends now, but what if she met someone, fell in love, got married and had babies of her own... Where did that leave him?

He shook his head as the thoughts spiraled.Man, pull it together!

Unfortunately, on a more immediate level, thoughts of her interaction with Sebastian still plagued him. How had the date gone? Would there be another?

He wanted to ask, but how did he without sounding jealous? ’Cause he definitely wasn’t jealous. He was just curious...

“Maybe I should call and check in before we set sail,” Carly said, reaching for her phone in the back pocket of her jean shorts.

Oliver stopped her. “I’m sure the store will be...” His voice trailed as his gaze shifted past her and he saw Sebastian walking down the pier toward them. The man was dressed for a day out on the water, wearing khaki shorts, a white polo shirt and sandals. And the large birthday present he carried solidified Oliver’s suspicions. He frowned. What the hell was Sebastian doing going to the child’s birthday party?

Carly caught his stare and looked slightly flushed as she waved at Sebastian.

Obviously, their date had gone well.

“He helped pick up the gift I’d ordered for Darcy from the post office this morning while I made sure Melissa was set up...and then I kinda felt obligated to invite him,” Carly said quickly in a hushed whisper.

“That was nice of him,” Oliver said, his back teeth clenching. Why hadn’t Carly asked him to pick up the gift? He was the one she usually relied on for emergencies like that. If she’d chosen Sebastian to save the day, then she must have a connection with him already.

“He was at the mayor’s office anyway...”

“No need to explain. I get it,” he said as casually as possible.

“Are you annoyed I didn’t ask you to drive an hour across town to pick up the gift?”

As a matter of fact, yes. “Why would I be annoyed by that?” he asked.

Carly released a slightly exasperated sigh. “I don’t know, Oliver. You tell me.”