Dots that he was replying appeared immediately, as though he’d been waiting for her to text, then:

Anything for my partner in crime.

The message was slightly flirty, which made her slightly uneasy to be reaching out so soon after their business dinner. She didn’t want to give him the wrong impression, but she was desperate, and he was the only one who could get her out of this jam. Not an ideal situation to be indebted to a man she was determined to keep things professional with, but she had no other choice.

She couldn’t show up at Darcy’s birthday party without the gift, even if it was on its way. That would be lame. She didn’t want to disappoint the child, especially after she’d begged Rachel to let her get theStranger Thingsitems in the first place.

After a quick call to the post office authorizing the pickup, she texted Sebastian the details and a copy of the shipping delivery notification.

I’m on it. Meet you at the docks just before noon?

Damn, how could she ask him to go through all that trouble and then not invite him along? It wasn’t another date or anything, just a friendly gesture of thanks. And it would be good for him to get to know Callan more, as he did own one of the tour boat businesses in town...

She was justifying, but she was stuck and it would be a dick move not to invite him after he helped her out. She knew Rachel would be thrilled and read it completely wrong, but Carly would deal with that. She sighed as she texted:

Thank you so much... And if you’re free, you should tag along.

Please don’t be free.She liked Sebastian a lot, but this was sure to give him the wrong impression.

Three dots, then his message appeared.

Was hoping you’d ask. :)

Oh no.

OLIVERLOWEREDHISsunglasses from his ball cap over his eyes as he climbed out of his truck parked near the dock just before noon. He opened the passenger-side door for Tess and helped her hop down as she struggled under the weight of the large gift she carried. Dressed in her swimsuit and flip-flops, her long hair poking out the back of a ball cap, she was practically vibrating with excitement.

“Sure you got that?” he asked, slinging her bag over his shoulder as he shut the truck door.

“Yep,” she said, racing off ahead of him toward the pier, where a group of kids eagerly waited to greet her. She was a popular, well-liked kid and he was grateful for the friends she had. They were a good group, and while they’d never replace Catherine and the bond Tess had with her sister, her friends helped fill a void in a lot of ways.

Still didn’t calm Oliver’s unease about this birthday party on a boat.

TheSea Secretsfishing and tours boat bobbed along the edge of the pier, birthday balloons and decorations visible, and the sound of the Radio Disney version of hip-hop music came from within the cabin as they headed toward it.

He knew his fear was unjustified. Callan was a trained coast guard officer who had been on the elite drug operation squad. He’d navigated top cruising speeds, chasing after criminals on rough open waters for years, and he’d worked on the tour boat with his family since he was a child. He had a boating license before a driver’s license and the man was skilled at any and all lifesaving techniques. They weren’t going out too far from the marina, they all knew first aid, and Tess herself was a competent swimmer.

And yet nothing eased the worry gripping him as he forced a smile and greeted Callan, who was standing next to the boat. “Hey, man. You couldn’t have asked for a better day for the party,” he said politely, extending a fist bump. The skies were blue and the breeze was mild. The ocean was calm, rated a force one, with less than half-meter waves, according to the nautical forecast he’d checked a dozen times already that day. No predicted change for the next few hours.

Nothing to worry about.

Callan nodded. “We lucked out.” He took Tess’s bag from Oliver and slung it over his shoulder, where six other backpacks already hung. “Did she remember sunblock?”

“Should be in the bag. She already applied a layer at home.” Being on a boat with its cool breeze could be deceiving when it came to the UV strength of the sun. Oliver always insisted on SPF 50 and a swim shirt—which she had already removed.

He frowned and shook his head. What could he expect when none of her friends were wearing one? He waved her toward him and she begrudgingly ran back. “Hug?”

“’Bye, Dad.” Tess leaned against him for a quick side hug and then hurried on board to join her friends.

Oliver sighed as he waved. Guess it was better than nothing. Another year or two and he’d be lucky to get the half-hearted, half-a-second side hug.

Callan eyed him. “You’re welcome to join us,” he said.

“Oh no. I’m sure Tess would rather I didn’t.” He may not be the coolest dad on the planet, but he knew not to crash his daughter’s fun.

“You sure?” Callan asked when he continued to peer on board.

“Yeah. Absolutely. Have a great day. Be careful.” The tour boat was old but well maintained. The upgraded communication system was top-notch...