“Nothing to tell. I’m not.”



Callan, who’d been quietly observing the two of them, cleared his throat. “You know, Oliver, I’d actually really like it if you came along. I wanted to talk to you about...a few coast guardy things,” he said.

Carly’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, but Oliver sent the man a grateful look. “Sure, I can tag along.” That way, he could make sure Tess was okay, that’s all. His change of heart had nothing to do with Carly and Sebastian.

“Hi, everyone! Sorry I’m late,” Sebastian said, joining them.

“You’re just in time,” Callan said politely, extending a hand.

The two men shook hands and Oliver gave an odd wave to the guy in greeting. Sebastian offered a curt head nod in return. Obviously neither of them was thrilled to see the other.

“Thanks for grabbing the gift,” Carly said, smiling up at the other man.

Oliver tried to decipher the smile. Flirty or simply friendly? Grateful and polite? Or seductive and meaningful? Man, he couldn’t read her when it came to this guy at all. It was frustrating as hell. And even more frustrating was the fact that it was frustrating.

“Not a problem,” Sebastian said, sending Carly a definitively flirty look.

“You even wrapped it,” she said, turning the box over in her hands to appreciate theStranger Things–themed paper. “Where did you even get this?”

Sebastian looked sheepish. “I’d love to let you think I pulled off this impressive feat, but the box was already wrapped. I just took the shipping labels off and covered that spot with a bow I stole from a welcome gift box of chocolates the mayor’s wife gave me.”

Carly laughed. “Well, you totally could have let me believe you’d done this, so thank you for your honesty.”

Oliver’s head swiveled back and forth. What the hell was going on? He thought he might be physically ill watching the friendly banter happening in front of him. Carly couldn’t seriously be into this guy, could she? Sure, he was good-looking and successful and had been there when she needed him... Wait—where was he going with that thought?

“Should we go?” Callan asked, hopping onto the deck of the boat.

“Good idea,” Carly said, moving toward it. She balanced the gift on one arm as she judged the distance from the dock to the deck.

Oliver’s hand shot out to help her on board the same moment Sebastian’s did. Both men locked eyes in a silent battle of wills.

Who would Carly choose?

She laughed as she ignored both, and after handing Callan the gift, she propped her hands onto his shoulders and hopped into the boat herself.

“Nicely done,” Callan said, a smirk on his face.

“Where’s Rachel?” Carly asked, obviously having reached her fill of testosterone.

“In the cabin, putting out the food.”

“I’ll go see if she needs help,” Carly said.

Oliver watched her disappear into the cabin and he heard the sound of her soft, vibrant laughter a moment later. A sound that warmed him with a new awareness. He loved that sound. There were days he actually lived for that sound. He used to be lighthearted and fun, but in recent years, that side of him had dulled and only Carly ever brought it out. He realized now it wasn’t so much him wanting to make her laugh as needing to hear the laugh himself.


“Well, it was great to see you again, Oliver,” Sebastian said dismissively, climbing onto the boat deck.

“I’m actually coming along too,” he said smugly, jumping expertly on board.

“Oh. Great,” Sebastian replied, though it was obviously anything but.

The tension between them still lingered, amplified after their last conversation about Sebastian’s intention to turn Oliver and Tess’s home into a B and B. Had Sebastian mentioned their conversation to Carly? Had he told her about his plans? She would have said something, texted him... Surely, she didn’t know. How would she feel about it when Sebastian did share his intentions with her?