Page 73 of Free Fall

She quivered. “We’ll be quick.”

That probably wasn’t true, but she didn’t care.

Waffles could wait.


She didn’t care.

Mostly because Frankie had ordered her a waffle, and it was hot and crispy and filled with loads and loads of chocolate chips.

Andthe whipped cream was on the side, so it wasn’t all sitting on top, making everything all soggy and floppy and—

“She’s got sex hair.”

Raven looked up from her contemplation of her delicious waffle, saw that her friends were grinning at her. Something she didn’t particularly care about since she was focused on consuming her chocolatey carbs as quickly as possible.

“And sexeyes,” Maggie added. “The hungry kind of intensity that comes from being fuckedgood.”

Raven lifted her brows, lips curving. “Just saying, ladies”—she pointedly glanced at Maggie, at Soph, at Misty, and at Kim—“I’m not alone with my sex hair.” A beat. “And eyes.”

Kim flushed.

The rest of them cackled.

Frankie grumbled. “Well, rub it in, why don’t you, bitches?”

Raven winced. “Hey, I’m sorry—”

A hand on her arm. “That’s not on you, honey,” Frankie said softly. “I’m just…feeling a bit left out of all the—”

“Orgasms?” Maggie teased.

Frankie shot Raven a beleaguered look. “No,” she snapped. “Not that it’s any of your business—”

“Just saying,” Misty chimed in, “we’ve all made it clear that nothing is off the table, especially orgasms.”

They paused.

Looked at sweet, innocent Misty.

“What?” she asked.

“Rewind that statement, honey,” Soph said.

“I—” Misty frowned. “I just said that orgasms aren’t…oh.”A glare. “You’re all assholes.”

They—including Frankie this time—cackled.

“Eat your waffles,” Misty grumbled.

Since this was something they were all already accomplishing, no one argued.

“Also,” Frankie said as she took a break from carby deliciousness to sip some water, “like I was saying, it’s none of your business…”

The door to the diner swung open behind her.

Raven’s throat had closed up, so she couldn’t reply.