Page 74 of Free Fall

Because in through the door had walked Connor and his brothers, and her pussy throbbed, her heart squeezed, and her mouth curved up.

“As in, it’s reallynone of your business.” Another glare tossed their way before she lifted her chin and announced, “I can take care of my own orgasms.”

“Good to know, Red,” Lex Blackwell said through a grin.

The big, strong man who could battle through firefights while delivering orgasms.

And had arrived at the table just in time to hear Frankie’s declaration.



They’d crashed the girls’ breakfast, shoving chairs in, ordering food and stealing bites of waffles while they waited for the waitress to bring their own.

This was not his idea—to horn in on Girl Time.

But when his brothers had been sitting around Caleb’s place, their parents having stolen the various kiddos for beach time, and it had been suggested to go to the diner for waffles, he hadn’t argued.

Raven was there.

Foodwas there.


Now they’d eaten, talked, gave each other crap, and had decided to join his parents on the beach.

This wasn’t a surprise.

It was how they ended up at the ocean’s edge almost every Saturday morning, doing this—hanging out, building sandcastles, talking and giving shit and just enjoying the fact that they were all in one place.

That hadn’t happened much over the years, not with their jobs taking them in different directions, to different parts of the world.

But when Soph had put down roots here, they’d all begun to congregate in the same area.

Now, the roots were growing deeper. Stronger.

And, Connor, for one, had no plans to dig them up.

“So, man,” he asked Lex as they both stood in the breaking waves, their jeans rolled up to stop the hems from getting wet—something that was a lost cause considering the kids running around and splashing and the waves not being perfectly even and predictable.

He would get engrossed in the conversation, or a little hooligan would take off for the waves and he’d take his eyes off the water foronesecond.

That was all it took for the ocean to strike.

Thatwas why Connor’s jeans were currently soaked from hem to ass.

Something that was annoying.

Something that had promptly becomeunannoying when Raven had sidled up behind him five minutes before, wrapping her arms around his middle and murmuring in his ear, “You were talking about me not wearing panties earlier, but if that’s going to happen, I need a strip show later.” A nip to his earlobe, her words hot puffs of air that had his cock twitching (which, for the record, was super uncomfortable in wet denim). “You. Me. And that sexy ass—”

“So what?” Lex snapped.

Connor tore his gaze from the waves—which also meant tearing his gaze from where Raven and Cole were running around like lunatics and his thoughts from strip shows (preferably of the tit-for-tat variety)—and focusing on Lex. “So whatwhat?”

Lex huffed out a breath and shook his head. “Whipped man.”

He grinned. “And loving every minute of it.”