Page 72 of Free Fall

She slung her arms around his shoulders. “Okay.”

A scowl before he stuffed his face into her throat and nipped at the sensitive skin there. “Trouble,” he muttered.

She liked being his brand of trouble. A whole hell of a lot. “Yup.”

Another nip.

Then he was flopping onto his back, dropping his arm over his eyes. “Fine. Go. Commune with the ladies. Eatallthe waffles.”

Her heart filled with happiness. With joy. Because she was with this man and because she was feeling comfortable in her own skin, her brain and past not screwing things up, even if her man was grouchy because she had to get up. She bounced lightly on the bed. “Want me to bring you anything?”

He lifted his arm, gaze scouring her from toes to head. “You in heels and a short, tight dress when I pick you up at six.” A beat, those hot eyes making her thighs clench together. “Preferably without any underwear beneath.”

No underwear.

That probably wasn’t going to happen, considering how short her sexy dress was.


Shewasliving life after all—and doing it without fear and things (like propriety) holding her back.


He groaned again.

“What?” she asked, genuinely confused.

A nudge at her hip, scooching her to the end of the mattress.

“Connor!” she snapped.

“Go,” he grumbled.

She dropped her feet to the floor and stood before she ended up on her ass. “What are you doing?”

“Go,” he ordered. “Before I fuck that mischievous smile off your face.”

Hot damn.

That was—

He groaned, flopped over to his other side, tugging the blankets up above his head. “Baby,”he gritted. “You’re so not helping.”


Freakingtemptingto slide back into bed and let him.

But…her friends would totally show up and interrupt if she didn’t show on time.

Still, she and Connor could be fast and—

A growl.

“Fuck it,” he muttered, snaking an arm out and catching her around the waist, tumbling her down onto the bed.

He was on top of her a second later, hard, hot body pressed the full length of hers.

“You’re going to be late.” It wasn’t a warning so much as a statement.