Adjusting his stance, Grayson straightens and clears his throat. “Yes. I’d like that. I’ll send a staff email today for a meeting tomorrow. Do you think that’s too soon?”
“No, not at all. As long as you’re not the kind of Boss that drags on in meetings. Carl, our last Boss, liked to do that. We brought snacks to the meetings just so we could stay awake.”
Grayson laughs and shakes his head. “I definitely don’t drag on. I like to keep a steady, satisfying pace.”
Shit! Words like that do not help my restless libido right now! And my face won’t stop getting hot!
Grayson grins and that sexy smile tells me he’s toying with me. Damn him!
“I understand you’re the senior agent here? That means we’ll be spending a lot of time working together. Can I rely on you to answer all of my questions until I’m fully up and running?”
All? There’s a hint of ambiguity to his emphasis on all. “Yes, of course. Anything you need.”
“I’m going to need a lot from you, Emma. I hope you’re up for the challenge.”
Grayson the panty-melter. That’s what his name should be because what he just said disintegrated them. “I like to be challenged.” Ok, that came out way too sexual.
The corner of his mouth raises and he nods. “I’m pleased you’re on my staff, Emma. I’ll let you get back to work.” Grayson turns his back and looks over his shoulder before he disappears out the door. “Nice shoes, Princess.”
Oh! This man is trouble!
Claire comes rushing into my office as I take a breath and uncomfortably adjust in my damp, little panties.
She closes the door behind her and folds her arms across her chest. “Start talking. How do you and Mr. Hottie know each other?”
I grind my teeth. “He asked me not to say.”
Her eyes widen and she sucks in a breath. “Did you two sleep with each other?”
“No! I wish. I bet he’s a beast in the bedroom. He’s so sexy, controlled, and confident.”
Claire giggles. “Your face is as red as your shoes.”
“I believe it. He gets me all worked up.” I grab paperwork off my desk and start fanning myself.
“So, what did happen if you didn’t sleep with each other? I mean, there’s obvious chemistry.”
I purse my lips. “Can I share this with you, without it going anywhere? I mean anywhere. He’s our new Boss and we need to respect him.”
She rolls her eyes. “Duh! You know you can. If not for being the Human Resources Rep then as your best bud. Now get to sharing.”
“A month ago, we met at club Sin and hit it off. The sparks were firing. We danced, made out, and I was ready to go home with him and sleep with him; then I got sick, threw up all over his shoes. He still gave me his number, which amazed me. I was like, this is the incredible kind of guy I’m looking for. Then my phone broke. I couldn’t find him on social media. I was devastated. Haven’t stopped thinking of him, then Bam! He’s my new, hot Boss.”
Claire leans against the door, smiling cheek-to-cheek. “Fate has handed you a second chance, Em. Don’t mess this one up.”
Dropping the stack of papers in my hand, I move around my desk and sit down in my chair in a huff. “Claire, he’s my Boss now. That causes so many problems. You should know. You’re HR!”
She laughs. “There’s nothing in the company policy about employees being in relationships.”
Leaning back, I cross my legs. “But if it doesn’t work out, then we’ll have an awkward Boss and ex relationship. What if it ends so badly that I’m miserable at work? You know how much I love my job and living here. I don’t want to transfer. Besides, now that he’s my Boss, he probably has zero interest in any relationship.”
Claire juts out her bottom lip, then sucks it back in. “You don’t know that and by the way he was looking at you, I’d say the interest is definitely still there.”
I turn my head to the naughty manuscript on my screen then back to Claire. “Ugh! I need to get back to reading about this character’s amazing sex life. My own sucks. I’ll talk to you later.”
Lunch time rolls around and I’ve completed, She Likes It Hot and am left with a full on bookgasm. I’m gonna have to tell the author her book needs to be sold with either condoms or vibrators. It’s cruel and unusual punishment to read it without either. Typing my thoughts into an email, I get it sent off to the author and offer representation. I feel so good each time I discover one. Authors send tens to hundreds of these kinds of queries and I’m sure when they finally get the response they’ve been waiting for, their whole world is changed, and I get to be a part of that. A smile raises the corner of my mouth as I hit send.
Another email goes out to Lisa, our level one Agent, who sent the manuscript to me. Only the truly good ones make it past her, to my inbox, where I decide whether or not to offer representation. The last email goes to Grayson, letting him know an offer for representation has been issued. The next step will be for him to issue the contract if the author accepts my offer. Carl always trusted my judgment and never questioned my offers, hopefully, Grayson will do the same.