Standing to stretch my legs and now starving for some nourishment, I open my office door and head to the lunchroom. My feet stop in their tracks. Grayson is in the center area, between offices, talking with Rachel. A knot tightens in my gut. Of all the women, she’s one I don’t want him talking to. Not that I have a say in who he talks to, but she’s a man-eater. Gobbles them up and spits them out, one after another. She’s a brunette too, although her hair is more auburn. She flicks it off her shoulder and pushes her double D’s into his face. Of course he’s looking at them. How can you not when they protrude from her body like two giant basketballs?
Granted, I have a nice rack myself, but I don’t flaunt these puppies out there like she does. I at least keep them covered. This is supposed to be a professional setting, after all. She laughs and touches his arm. I almost want to hurl on his shoes all over again, just so I don’t have to witness this. He smiles as he leans towards her. Gross! He actually seems interested in their conversation.
Clicking my heels a little too loudly, I stroll past them, giving my hips a little extra bounce. I glance over my shoulder and see his eyes move up to my face from my ass. Rachel’s daggers are pointed at my back.
That’s right, bitch. He’s mine.
In the lunchroom, I place my chicken salad sandwich on my plate and open my smoothie. Grayson enters moments later, just as I’m about to carry it back to my office.
“Emma.” He blocks the exit, standing in the frame of the door.
“Grayson, I see you’ve met Rachel.”
Grayson studies me and I wonder what is going through his mind. “Mm, hmm. She’s a nice girl. She sent me an offer she extended this morning.”
“I just sent one, too, for She Likes It Hot.”
Grayson touches his watch, then adjusts it. “I’ll take a look at it. Did you send me the manuscript?”
“I did. The author has a fast-paced, but detailed style. She sucks you into the world she creates and honestly, the sex scenes are smoking hot.”
His mouth twists into a sexy grin. “I can’t wait to take a look. It’ll be good to learn what you like.”
What I like? How about your face between my legs or doggie-style? Mmm, yeah, I’d like that. Oh jeez, Em. Pull it together.
Grayson steps closer, reducing the space between us and my body heats up. “I’d love to know what it is you’re thinking every time your cheeks get red like that.”
My nerves send a prickling sensation across my skin. Busted! “Mmm, some thoughts are best kept private.”
“That good, huh?”
A chuckle slips out of my mouth. “Yes.”
Grayson goes to speak, but then Rachel interrupts him. “Grayson, a few of us are going out to lunch. We’d love to take you out as a welcome to the agency. We’re heading to Segarro’s if you like their food.”
Grayson turns, smiles appreciatively, then nods. “I’d love to.” He turns to face me, looks at the food in my hand, then back to my face. “Emma, you should come too.”
If for no other reason than to keep Rachel’s mitts off Grayson, I decide to go. “Sure. Let me put this food away and then I’ll extend the offer to everyone, unless you were excluding staff members for some reason.” My gaze shoots to Rachel and she sneers when Grayson isn’t looking.
“Of course not. The invitation is for everyone,” she singsongs.
Bull shit, but nice save.
“We’ll be heading out in five minutes,” Rachel announces.
Grayson walks out and I hurry to put my food back in the fridge and rush to Claire’s office for backup.
Claire shuts down her computer and gathers her purse. “Rachel’s after him? I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised, but I think his interest surprises me the most.”
“He doesn’t know her like we do. He’s naive to her ways. Now hurry, I need to stop by my office and grab my stuff before she tries to leave without us.”
Claire and I rush to my office. We make it to the lobby elevator, right as the doors are closing with it packed full of people including Grayson and Rachel. I see her snicker just before it shuts.
My lip curls. “No doubt she planned that one,” I say to Claire.
“Of course she did.”
We wait for the elevator to return and make it to the first floor lobby. Rachel is standing with her arms crossed, irritation on her face. Grayson is looking at us stepping out of the elevator and the rest of the staff is lingering and chatting with one another.