So now, because of him, and my unquenched desires, I’ve been reading every erotic book submission in my email this past month. This one is particularly naughty and I’m loving it, but not my current reading location.
I rub my thighs together as another wave of arousal moves through my body. Fuck, this book is good. Definitely sending this author kudos and a contract.
A tap on my door jolts my body, and I drop my pen. I clear my throat and with flushed cheeks, I turn to face our Human Resources Rep, Claire, standing in my doorway in her cute gray sweater and maroon skinny pants with pretty heels. Her red hair cascades down her back in loose waves like mine. Come to think of it there’s a lot of us women working here with long hair. My old Boss must have had a thing for it. He hired all of us, but he’s recently moved on to another branch of the agency in New York. Good for him, but I prefer it here in Florida where the weather is warm.
“Sorry to interrupt you. Looks like you were reading something good.” She giggles and shifts her footing.
“Yyyyess. Oh my God, it’s so good. Might have to send you this one.”
“Please do. You know I love the naughty ones. So, I have news to share.”
Leaning back in my chair I get cozy, readying myself for something juicy. “Do tell, sista.”
Her toothy grin spreads wide before she lowers her voice. “You have a new Boss and he’s hot-as-fuck.”
Now my heart is racing. “What? When? Who? When does he start?”
She steps further into my office. “He starts today. He’s making his rounds now, introducing himself. Wait ’til you see him!”
My curiosity drives me to my feet and I peek around the door frame just as he steps up to my office door. Holy shit! It’s Grayson Cole.
His blue-green gaze roams my body from top to bottom, lingers at my red heels then comes back up. “Emma?”
I stare at him in shock. My mouth is gaping open and the memories of masturbating to him two times, ok, seven times flashes through my mind and my cheeks get hot. “Grayson,” I manage to say.
Claire’s expression reveals her befuddlement. “You two know each other?”
“Yeah, we met about a month ago,” he replies. His eyes still set on me, studying me.
I’m pretty sure my face now matches my red heels. That night was a combination of one of the sexiest and most embarrassing moments of my life. I wanted to call him, I really did, but my stupid phone. Ugh! Mentally waves fist in air. Now he probably thinks I wasn’t interested or was too chicken to call.
“My phone broke,” I blurt out.
Claire looks from one of us, to the other, then slips out the door.
“Your phone broke?” he asks questioningly.
Good God, I can’t even think. He looks hot in his navy-blue suit, white collared shirt, silver watch, belt, matching pants, his shoes. Damn it! Why did I have to vomit on them that night?
“Yes, after you left I dropped my phone and lost all my new contacts.”
He smirks. “Uh-huh.”
What? He’s not buying it. He even looks humored like I’m making this stuff up.
“Whatever did happen, I think it’s best we keep that night between us. It’s not something that the staff should know about.”
Seriously, why does life not offer do-overs?
Awkwardly shifting my footing, I lean my butt against my desk. “I agree. So, should I call you Grayson, Mr. Cole, or Boss?”
My lip slides between my teeth. Mmm, Boss, I like the sound of that. I’d like to chant that while he bends me over his desk. Wait, no! Stop thinking like that. This guy is your Boss now! You need to take him seriously.
The mystery I remember seeing the night of the club glimmers in his eyes and his lips turn into a sexy grin. “Call me Grayson.”
Are my thoughts that transparent? My cheeks grow warm. He probably knows what I was thinking.
My mind is so rattled right now, I can’t even focus. I shake my head and pull my thoughts together. “Staff meeting. We should have one. That way, we can share our current projects and learn what you expect from us.”