I had mine out and put in headphones, slipped on my shades, and sat back to start sleeping asap.

I had a game to rest up for.



“Mara? A word?”

It was the TA for my abnormal psych class. It was typically reserved for upperclassmen, but since I’d done so many AP psych classes at my high school, I was the only freshman in this one. The professor had no problem with me, but the TA was a different matter. She’d been singling me out in class for the last week.

“You want me to wait?” Wade asked.

It’d been a shock when he showed up in class this week, saying he had to transfer in after deciding to drop another class, but it was kinda nice at the same time. I was also learning that Wade was a little bit of a ladies’ man. A lot of girls liked him. They liked to say hi and they liked to smile at him, and they really liked to surround him right after class.

I shook my head, putting my stuff in my bag at a slower rate. Then nodded to the girl who was waiting to talk to Wade. “Thinking you got something else going on anyways.”

His head jerked at seeing her, but he swung back to me. “You sure?”

I gave a small nod. “See you later.”

“See you at home?”

But I didn’t answer because the girl called Wade’s name and I saw the TA waiting for me, her arms crossed over her chest. I approached, my bag on my back and I was holding onto the straps, letting my elbows swing around. “You wanted to see me?”

“You’re a freshman?”

I nodded.

Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t know what you did to get in here, but I really recommend that you wait a year before taking this course. We cover all the disorders, and Professor Chandresakaran is having us do field trips to some facilities.”

“So? What’s that got to do with me?”

“You’re a freshman.” She spoke as if that sentence, by itself, was an explanation.

“What does me being a freshman have to do with any of this? I’ve taken my AP psych classes. I’m on level with the coursework.”

She looked around the room, and seeing some students standing and talking to each other, she inclined her head. “I’m going to speak frankly here. I don’t think you’re mature enough for these field trips, or to fully comprehend the coursework that we go over.”

I snorted. “And you think me being a sophomore would help ‘mature’ me better?”

“Don’t take this personally. It’s not. I check out each student before they’re able to attend these field trips. I do this to protect the individuals at those facilities, and you’re the one I keep coming back to. There’s a question mark by your name and after talking to some people, I’m hearing how you’re only known for parties and lately there was a physical altercation you were a part of? That worries me. If I can’t clear you to go on these trips, you will fail this class.”

“You can’t do that.”

“We can. I can. We’re not state-funded. We’re a private university, and I take this work very serious.”

“So what? You want me to tell you all the difficulties I’ve had in life or something?”

“You went to Fallen Crest Academy. That school has a reputation of privilege and wealth.”

“You can’t judge me on that criteria.”

She stared at me. I stared at her.

“Look.” She sighed. “We’re not to the field trips yet. I do have my concerns, but I’m willing to hear you out. If you’re willing to risk it and miss the deadline for changing a course, I’ll watch how you do in the upcoming assignments. We have our first quiz next week so that’ll be the beginning of it. Sound fair?”


“Tough. This is what I’m willing to offer you.”

The next class was coming in, so I left, hearing my name once I stepped out into the hallway. Wade was there, a few girls with him. Darren was coming down the far hallway. He saw us and jerked up his chin, heading over.

I pointed him out to Wade, who held up his hand once Darren was close enough. The two did a man-shake, clapped each other on the shoulder. They looked so opposite, but also fit at the same time. Darren had dark brown skin, a few inches shorter than Wade, and he was more muscular. He liked to wear a lot of baseball hats. I didn’t know what position he played on the team, but someone mentioned lineman. I was guessing he needed a lot of bulk for that position. Wade was taller, leaner, his skin between pale and tan, and he kept his hair trimmed short. Miles told me once it was to help so he could swim faster. Something about how even that little bit of hair could slow a swimmer down. But together, they drew attention. They were striking. I figured it had to do with their athleticism. Cruz had the same power, some innate pull over people.