“What’s up, man?”

Darren gave everyone a nod before jerking a thumb over his shoulder. “Had class. Where are you guys coming from?”

Wade indicated our classroom. “Abnormal psych.”

“Ah gotcha. I heard that’s a good class to get into.”

“It is so far.” Wade turned to me. “What’d she want to talk to you about?”

I took in who was standing with us. A couple of the girls seemed nice. One did not, but I just shrugged. “It was nothing, but heads-up that we have our first quiz next week.”

“What?” one of the girls exclaimed. “It’s not on the syllabus.”

“That’s what she told me, so spread the word.”

She groaned, pulling out her phone.

“We should do a study thing.” The girl who spoke was staring at Wade.

He flashed a smile. “That sounds good. We can have it at our house.”


Darren gave her a look like she just informed everyone she had a green toe. “On a Friday night?”

“Oh.” She gave him a nervous look, laughing a little. “Yeah. We could get a jumpstart on studying, but the hockey game’s on tonight too. Study. Watch hockey. Do whatever afterwards.” The sly look sent in Wade’s direction gave everyone an indication what she wanted to do afterwards.

He was wearing a faint frown but glanced my way. “How about it? Studying at the house tonight again?”

Darren grunted, folding his arms over his chest. “After last night, should you maybe run it by everyone?” His eyes were on me before he gave Wade a meaningful look. “Just to be safe.”

“That’s a good idea but it should be okay.” Wade asked me again, “You up for it if everyone signs off?”

I shook my head, feeling my phone buzzing. “Can’t.”

“What? Why not?” Darren shot me a frown.

“Alpha Mu is having a thing. I was going to catch the game with them.”

“Really?” one of the other girls squeaked. “You know the Alpha Mu guys?”

“You and Miller seemed friendly last night.”

I glanced Wade’s way, but replied to the girl, “I’ve been to a few of their parties.”

Her eyes got big.

I hesitated, but… I hoped I wouldn’t regret this when I said, “You want to come with?”

Her eyes got even bigger. “You don’t think they’d mind?”

“They’re frat guys. You’re a chick. That’s basic math.”


“But I’m going to say up front that I’ll probably dip out at some point. If you and a friend want to come, or maybe two of your friends, that’d be better. Keep to the buddy system.”

“I thought you said you’re friends with them.”

“I’m casual friends with a couple, but they’re still a fraternity. Better to be safe.”

She was not a freshman. She was also in my abnormal psych class, and here I was, a freshman, giving her a hint on how to party responsibly. Sure. The TA totally was justified in questioning the only freshman in her class for maturity reasons.

“Yes, yes! My friends are going to go nuts.”

“Wade, we still on for your place?”

Wade’s gaze was locked on me, and Darren’s gaze was skirting between us.

“Yeah. I think so. Maybe do tacos tonight?” He glanced in Darren’s direction.

My phone kept buzzing, so I pulled it out. Dad calling.

My stomach dropped, and my throat went dry, but he was calling, and he wouldn’t call unless it was important. I gave everyone a wave, indicating my phone. “See you later at the house.” I waited until I ducked down an empty hallway. “Dad?”

“I have news.” His voice was strained.

My stomach tightened. “Not good news.”

“No. I mean, depends on how you view it. The first one is that she was given an added diagnosis. Do you want to know what it is?”

“No.” I was so tired of it, of it all. She’d been given twelve different diagnoses all my life. The one that stuck was the personality disorder. She was always in that realm.

“Okay. The other news is about the conservatorship. It does have limitations and one of those limitations is your mother’s current place.”

“Meaning?” But I could guess what he was going to tell me.

“Meaning that her current facility was not included under my conservatorship. The date I start is the date when she was supposed to leave her latest center. She was talked into staying by a staff member, so it’s been voluntary since her seventy-two-hour hold ended. I’ve talked to the staff, and your mom decided last night that she won’t stay where she is. She’s asking to leave.”

I laughed abruptly. ‘Asking’ for my mom was demanding and then screaming if that demand wasn’t met quick enough. Unless she gave the staff an indication that she’d be a liability, they’d have to let her go.

“Fuck,” I whispered. I stopped and rested against the wall. “Didn’t you have her going into another place?”

“Yes, but she was told about the conservatorship yesterday, and she didn’t react well.”

“Of course she didn’t. Who would? Why didn’t you wait until she was at the new facility?”