“Come on. Harder.” I tuned everything out. I just wanted to make sure Cruz didn’t take his dick out of me.

Gavin was knocking again, but I reached up, tugging Cruz down to me.

More. I needed more.

Groaning, Cruz slid a hand around to my back, lifting me up, and then he really started pounding into me. He was taking everything over. I could only hold on, feeling him powering into me, and oh God, it was amazing. I wrapped one hand around his neck, my fingers splaying out over his back, feeling his muscles tensing and moving under my touch as he kept going, until–ohGodohGodohGodohGod–I couldn’t contain myself. My head fell back. My vision went blind, and I screamed, my whole body spasming and then falling apart.

Waves crashed through me, literally, but Cruz hadn’t finished yet. He was still going. I reached for him, and began moving to meet him. His head fell back. He held still as I rode him until he made a choking sound.

He was coming inside me.

“Holy fuck.”

His head was still back as his whole body was tense and all of his muscles were rigid. “That was amazing,” he said huskily, his chest heaving as he was catching his breath.

Reality and the room was coming back to me.

The knocking had stopped.

I was still half raised off the mattress, my hips and stomach, but as Cruz disengaged, I rolled upright so I was half sitting on the edge of the bed. He took a step back, taking the condom off, but I reached for him. He paused, his eyes narrowing before he tossed the condom into the garbage by my desk.

I tugged him back. I was still drunk, and I didn’t want him to leave.


“Stay the night.”

His head moved back a little. “We’ve never done that before.”

I nodded, feeling an itch inside of me. I didn’t know why it was there, why now, but I recognized it. I’d felt it at other times, just a few and knew I’d want him more than once during the night. I wouldn’t be satisfied until early morning.


He had a game tomorrow. “No, never mind.”

He stiffened, his hand catching my wrist and jerking me up so I was on my knees and eye level with him. “What just happened there?”

I licked my lips, feeling this need for him again even though I knew he couldn’t go so soon. But I slid a hand down his chest, going all the way to him. “The mood I’m in, you’re not going to get any sleep.”

“So?” He was starting to get distracted, watching my hand.

“You have a game tomorrow.”

“So?” He was still watching, even more distracted.

“So.” I squeezed him, just slightly.

He groaned, raising his head so he could see me.

“You need sleep. You stay, and you won’t be getting any.”

He raised a hand to my chest and pushed me back so I was lying on the bed again. He crawled over me, his mouth finding mine, and then moving down my throat. “Good news for you, I can sleep on the bus.”

My knees bent in the air as his mouth traveled farther down my body.

“Cruz.” I had one hand lost in his hair.

“Hmm?” He was at my stomach, and he blew some air there, teasing me. He grinned at me, looking up via my body.

God. He looked so good down there. “Are you sure?”

Another flash in his eyes. “Oh yeah. I’m not quite ready to go yet, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do other things.” And with that, his mouth settled firmly over me.

I was squirming in the next second.

I was exploding a few moments later, and before I could gather my senses again, he was sliding right back inside.

I wanted to do this all night long.

I needed to do this all night long.




Wes said as he swung into the seat next to me. I’d picked the middle range on purpose. Not in the back where guys tend to play their music or video games, and also not up in front where one of the coaches might see me and pull me in for a chat. They liked to connect with their players when they could, but not today for me. It’d been fucking phenomenal with Mara last night, but she had warned me. I needed sleep, badly. We had a good four-hour ride before our pre-game skate so I was planning on using it.

“Dude, move.”

“What? You serious?”

I gave him a nod. Loved the guy. He was my floormate too, but I was meaning business today. Wes liked to chat. I was not into that today.

He studied me a second before sighing and nodding. “I’m seeing what you’re putting down, but I’ll stay till the rest of the guys sit and then switch.”

I gave a nod, holding up my fist.

He met it with his, settling in and pulling his phone out.