Page 24 of Playing with Fire

Alastor had ghosted me tonight, I had waited for him all night at the club. I hadn't even danced or looked for a mark, not after the three I took out before I arrived. Instead, I had tucked myself into a booth by myself in the corner.

Lex hadn't been in a chatty mood when I tried to talk to him and ask if he had seen the God today. He had barely looked my way, no teasing smile, no actual flirting; hell, he hadn't even told me not to hunt in his club. He wasn't acting right. If I didn't have my own issues, I would stick around and make him talk, but we weren't like that, we didn't have those emotions. We supposedly didn't have any emotions, so I was going to need to squash the foolish part of me that was sad at his lack of attention.

As the bar played the closing song, I downed the rest of the drink I had been nursing all night and headed for the exit. The night was a bust. Heading toward the college campus, I kept my eyes on the shadows. Searching for any demons that may lurk in them as I went. So when a group of four peeled themselves off of a brick wall cast in shadows, where the streetlights didn't reach, I wasn't surprised. I had my dagger ready in my palm, and two were in flames before the other two reached me. I spun like a ballerina and buried the blade into the third's chest.

The last one had time to grab me from behind, just like the vamp the other night. I struggled against his vise-like hold, before flipping him over me and to the ground. I quickly set himon fire, breathing hard after that mini workout. Damn, I needed to train more if they were coming out to hunt in packs now. Twice in one night was way too many.

Slow clapping drew my attention as I stood straight. Bellamy. He stepped out into the streetlight, his gaze on the demons currently burning away.

"Bravo, I never did like Theo, pretentious ass," he said. His warm voice washed over me and made my nipples pebble in my shirt with awareness.

I held my dagger in front of me, ready for him to rush me. Instead, he leaned against the street post and studied me. My breathing was the only sound between us as I waited him out.

"I wonder what is bringing them together. Those four don't even interact back in Tartus," he said with a shrug. He really was trying to have a conversation with me.

I blinked slowly as I tried to decide what to do. How did you capture a demon? I knew how to kill them, obviously, but this whole capturing them thing was tougher than I thought it would be.

"You aren't very talkative tonight, hunter," he said. His tail flicked, reminding me of a cat watching their prey before they strike. He rubbed the back of his neck and then stepped forward. "Why aren't you attacking me?" He tilted his head to the side, watching me, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"I can't," I said. What the fuck was that? I needed to get a better filter.

"Sure you can. I'm not using my ability," he said, holding his hands out and appearing very unthreatening. My body was burning up with awareness the closer he got. He paused, cupping his elbow with one hand while he tapped his lips with the other, drawing my attention to his dark blue mouth. It looked like dark lipstick, almost a dark purplish-black I had one time at Halloween, but I knew from kissing him, it was just him."Still, you feed me? Tantalizing tidbits in the air tempting me with more." He licked his lower lip, his pink tongue darting out and a flash of his fangs a contrast to the rest of his skin.

I mirrored his action, and his gaze dropped to my mouth. What was I doing? Raiden wasn't coming to save me tonight, and I had to assume that Alastor wouldn't be around either. So if I didn't stop this now, I was in trouble.

"If I make you a promise, would you believe me?" he asked.


"No." I crossed my arms beneath my chest, and he glanced from my face down to my breasts as he took another step forward. “You killed a girl.”

"Which is it, temptress? Yes or no?" He was less than a foot from me, and I didn't move as I watched him. He reached out and trailed his claw-tipped fingers down the side of my face, brushing a stray hair behind my ear. "You are beautiful for a hunter."

"Have you met many hunters?" I asked, already knowing the answer. He had ignored my accusation about the girl too.

"A couple, but you are the prettiest so far," he replied.

The answering flutter in my belly wasn't the correct response to his words and touch. Capturing him should be the only thing on my mind, but I kept drifting back to what the soft drag of his mouth on mine did to me. The pleasure he gave with only a touch. How could something that felt so good be bad?

"After I taste you, I'll let you kill me," he whispered, and the words alone snapped me out of the haze of desire that had taken hold, and I jerked away from him. "Think of it like a last meal."

"I'm not killing you," I said.

"But you'll let me touch you?" A charming smile tilted up the side of his mouth.

I wordlessly shook my head as I backed away. He was dangerous, how did I keep forgetting that fact? Maybe becausehe had been only trying to get in my pants and not harm me. Although, his ability had the power to actually kill me as he drained me through sex. I'd die happy, but I'd still be dead.

He pouted as he watched me, predator to prey. His head snapped up as he glanced behind me, his gaze narrowed, and he stepped out of the light. "Maybe next time, hunter," he said as he spun on his heel and disappeared into the darkness of the alley he had come out of.

Damn it. I froze up again.

"Sorry I'm late," Alastor said from behind me, and I jumped. It wasn't like me to be unaware of my surroundings like that, but Bellamy had me all turned around and upside down. "Did I startle you?"

"No," I said as I faced him and his three-headed dog. I eyed the beast warily. I'd be stupid not to, I watched it destroy three demons in seconds. He would be nice to have on my side, though. Maybe I should start carrying around dog treats. Did beasts from Hell eat dog treats?

"Good," he said with a smile. "Have you noticed an increased demon presence lately?"

I had. Did he know something about it? I nodded, but waited for him to continue. One head of his animal started licking at his hand while another tried cleaning itself. The third watched me. I swallowed and pulled my gaze back up to Alastor.