Page 25 of Playing with Fire

"They are working together and are all after you," he said.

"Well, I am the demon hunter, so it would make sense if they wanted to get rid of me," I laughed.

"It is demons this world hasn't seen before, and they have a portal to bring more," he replied, his face serious.

"Why do you care?" I asked, genuinely curious about his motivations.

He glanced down the street and then back at me. "Do we have some place we could take this conversation that isn't standing in the middle of a dark road?"

Was I actually thinking about taking this God back to my dorm with his dog? I was. Maybe after he told me what I needed to know, I could find out if he was good at fucking like I asked him before.

"Follow me," I said and moved toward the campus again and my room.

As soon as I shut my door behind us, I faced him. He examined my room like he had never seen a college dorm before. His eyes trailed over each of the surfaces. His beast curled up next to the beanbag, but one head still watched me while the other two did their own thing. It was interesting to watch, and even though I knew I should be wary of the animal, I wanted to kneel and give him all the attention.

I pulled my attention back to Alastor. He was handsome in a mysterious way. He always wore a suit, it seemed, although his tie was loose on all the occasions I had run into him. Something dark clung to him, almost like a physical cloak. Instead of running in the opposite way, I wanted to get closer and peel back his layers to find the real him I sensed hiding beneath it all.

"Do you live here?" he asked, shooting me a look over his shoulder.

"Yeah, for eighty percent of the year, at least. I go home on weekends," I said, shrugging.

"You deserve a palace, something more," he grumbled, and I wasn't sure I heard him right.

"I'll let my parents know," I laughed. "So, demons?"

"They are growing their numbers in the forest. I ran into one that wanted to make a deal with me. I went to Lex to keep you out of this, but he declined." Alastor grimaced, and I was positivethere was more to the story. "They want me to bring you to them."

"What?" Shit, had I just walked into a trap? I moved my hand to my dagger, ready to strike the God if I needed to.

"You misunderstand," he said, as the color drained from his face, making him appear paler than normal. "Lex has glamour, and I asked him to pretend to be you, but his terms were very steep."

"What were his terms?"

He hesitated and picked up a small dragon from my dresser. Raiden had given me that. It was one of my favorite trinkets because it reminded me of him. He set it down gently, like he knew it meant something to me.

"You have many people that love you, don't you?" he asked instead of answering me. He got all that from a little statue of a dragon?

"Uh, my family and friends, sure," I said.

"That isn't the kind of love I'm talking about. You have many suitors in your life," he replied.

A shocked laugh erupted from my throat as a smile spread across my face. "That would be a no. I don't do relationships."

He chuckled. "That doesn't mean you aren't surrounded by people that love you, that want a relationship with you."

"What makes you say that?" Curiosity at what he might have sensed that I missed had my attention on his every move.

"Your bodyguard, Lex—" he trailed off when I laughed again.

"Raiden? He might love me, but it is like a sister. As for Lex and I, we have an agreement, no strings." I crossed the room and picked up the dragon figure. My fingers smoothed down its back and over the wings. It was a beautiful black obsidian marble.

"A sister? No, it's more than that." He glanced down at the dragon again and lifted his eyebrows. "He gave you that?"

"How do you know that?"

"It's a dragon," he said simply, like that explained everything. "With Lex you may have 'no strings,' but next time you are with him, pay attention to his reactions to you. You'll spot his heartstrings attached to you already."

"Why are you telling me all of this?"