Page 23 of Playing with Fire

"Fuck off, Alastor," Lex replied.

"Oh, was that a nerve I hit, Lexington? Has your mother come to visit? I bet she misses you. Do you think you disappointed her?" I couldn't stop pushing his buttons. He thought he was better than me.

"Don't you ever get sick of living in your father's shadow? The King of the Underworld, with the perfect wife and perfect son. Right where he likes them, under his thumb. Do you ever wonder what it would be like to live your own life with your own choices?"

"I make my own choices," I muttered, snagging up another drink he tried to send sailing down the bar. I downed it in one long gulp before slamming the glass back onto the counter. He leaned onto the surface, a half smile on his face as he eyed me.

"Was that anerveI hit, Alastor?" He laughed before dismissing me.

But I couldn't let him get the last word in. As he walked away, I said, "That's okay. If you don't want to help me, I'm sure Samantha will jump at the chance to get into their camp. And then I will be the hero in the story, because I will help her eliminate all of them. Then she won't even remember your name as I make her moan mine."

He held up his hand, his middle finger standing tall without looking back at me. Fucking prick.



The news reportof another girl found last night played on the television as I got ready for the night. But something was off about this one. The girl had been gutted. From what I knew of Bellamy, that wasn’t his style. I would think the girl would die with a smile on her face if anything.

This had to have something to do with the demons banding together. Which meant my enemy might be my friend, even though I wasn’t prepared to take it that far yet. And each time I was around him, I found myself molding my body to his, wishing we had no clothes on to separate us.


I added another small knife to the holder on my calf, followed by the two for my boots. I didn’t use them often, but they had come in handy a time or two.

My phone buzzed on the dresser, and I snagged it up to see Raiden canceling for tonight.

Fire, can’t go yet. Wait for me.

Not likely. I sighed and put the phone down, finishing my routine.

I headed out of the dorm and was walking across campus before I typed out a response.

Too late.

Locking the phone, I shoved it into my back pocket. I would text him more later, I couldn’t be distracted on the streets. Especially not right now.

When a demon stepped out of the shadows, I was ready for him. Dodging his arm and whatever the fuck the green shit was that came from his palm, I spun around and slammed my dagger into him in one smooth motion. The flame lit quickly, turning him into a pile of ash. No time to celebrate as two others weren’t far behind him.

It wasn’t like the previous night when I had to be rescued by a demon; tonight, I wasn’t distracted by my emotions.

As if Raiden could sense my feelings, my phone rang. His special ring filled the empty street, making me jump. I pulled it out as fast as I could accepting the call.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey, I’m not going to make it to the club tonight. Don’t make any rash decisions without me. This fire was set intentionally, just inside the forest, near where they found the girl.”

“Demons?” I asked. Maybe I should head to them instead.

“It might be. But you can’t come here, I can’t worry about you while putting this blaze out. Don’t do anything stupid. I’ve got to go.”

“No promises, Rai, I’m the queen of rash actions.” I smiled into the phone, and he chuckled before saying goodbye.

Another night and still the Demon Prince was in the mortal world putting innocent girls in danger.


Doubts were starting to grow in that. There were too many other possibilities that made more sense.