Page 171 of Rust or Ride

Rock snorts, dismissing this as a non-issue. “Forward it to Glassman’s firm. One of the attorneys there can handle it.”

“Sorry. You know I hate causing the club trouble.”

He tilts his head, studying me for a moment. “You’ve never once in all the years I’ve known you caused the club trouble.”

“I’m sure that’s not true.”

He raises an eyebrow. Silently asking if I’m disregarding his word.

“Thank you, Rock.” I clear my throat. “Uh, I’m sorry about that closet/desk comment earlier. I shouldn’t—”

“It’s the truth. We’re fine, brother.”


“Although,” he says slowly, cutting me off, “if youeversay something like that in front of Hope, I’ll throat punch the fuck out of you.”

My mouth opens and closes a few times. “I’d never do that.”

“She’s well aware of things that happened in thepast.”

“Understood.” Time to pivot away fromthistopic. “I’m bringing Emily up Friday night. I think we’ll stay over, let her get the full effect of family breakfast.”

“Good.” He turns toward the open war room door and a wry smile turns his mouth up. “At least there’s a fifty-fifty chance shewon’twalk in on an orgy in the champagne room these days.”

The reminder of Inga spending an afternoon running a train in our clubhouse is the last thing I needed. Not that she’s the only woman who’s come up here and tried to fuck every single brother in one night. That event was one I was involved in, and I’d rather forget it ever happened.

“You can always visit the new clubhouse if you want to give herthatMC experience,” he adds.

“Thanks, I’ll pass.” I cock my head and dare to ask my next question. “Did all that shit bother Hope? She handled it so well in front of us.”

He puts his hands on his hips and takes a deep breath. After his earlier warning, I’m flirting with death by asking. But he seems to be carefully considering the answer. “Yes and no. She already had an inkling from doing some legal work at Crystal Ball.” He coughs and glares at me. “She’d met Inga too. Got an idea of what she was all about.”

He pauses, regret flashing across his face. “The girls who hassled her up here, though…I should’ve warned her better.”

“Trinity was always quick to look out for her.”

“She was,” Rock agrees. “By the way, if you want to transition away from Crystal Ball, that’s fine.”

How’d he get there from what I was asking? “I ain’t gonna let my woman run my life, Prez.”

He doesn’t laugh at my stereotypical biker response. “I’m serious. I did it. Z did it.”

“Priest moved Z downstate,” I argue, as if he needs the reminder.

“I just want you to know, you’re not tied to managing Crystal Ball forever.” He lifts his chin toward the door. “You’ve been a big help to Rooster getting the security company off the ground. You can—”

“That’s only for the summer concert season, though.” As much as I love being on the road with Rooster and Shelby when she’s touring, traveling somewhere new every day, visiting our brother charters across the country, and partying with the popular country singer Dawson Roads, I’m not sure it’s enough of a contribution to the club to make that my full-time thing.

“We have the funeral home now, too,” he suggests.

“That’s Teller’s action. Besides, on a day-to-day basis, I think Jigsaw has made it clearheplans to park his ass there so he can drool over Margot.”

“I don’t have enough work to bring you on full-time at the shop—”

“Rock, I’m a decent mechanic, but I don’t have the skill for that detailed custom work.”

He nods. “Well, there’s always our lovely porn production company. Z has more work there than his guys can handle.” He glances down and shakes his head. “Although, I doubt Emily will think that’s an improvement.”