Page 172 of Rust or Ride

Spending my days playing bodyguard for amateur porn stars or monitoring their websites sounds like a circle of hell I’d like to avoid. “No thanks.”

“Whatdidshe think of Crystal Ball?” Rock asks.

He’s not asking for her assessment of our business plan. “Uh, she was impressed with the girls’ pole tricks and disgusted by the tip collecting part.”

He rumbles with laughter. “I think she’ll do fine here.”

I’m praying to the universe that he’s right.



I’mgiddy but anxious about accompanying Dex to his MC’s clubhouse this weekend. Even though I’m hesitant to bother Serena with something so insignificant while she’s adjusting to motherhood, I can’t think of anyone else who can offer advice.

After she details all the cute things baby Lincoln has done today, I share my dilemma.

“So, be honest with me.” I take a breath. “How big of a deal is this, Serena?”

“For Dex? Pretty big,” she answers without hesitation. “They have two clubhouses now. So, if he’s taking you to the one out in the woods, he’s serious. It’s more like family and friends of the club only these days.”

“So, I won’t encounter any wild biker orgies?”

“I wouldn’t gothatfar.” She chuckles. “You may still see things you can’t unsee.”

“Are you and Gray going to be there this weekend?” I’d feel a hell of a lot better with Serena there to stop me from embarrassing myself.

She lets out a loud yawn. “I don’t think so. I’m not ready to take Lincoln around that many people yet. Gray might be up there for church, but I’m staying home.”


“You’ll be fine. The girls are all really nice.” She’s quiet for a few seconds. “Trinity is the wife of the SAA. Don’t tell her I said this,” she lowers her voice as if the club might have her phone bugged, “but I kind of think of her as the enforcer for all the ol’ ladies. She might grill you a little.”

“Wait, aren’tyouan enforcer’s old lady too? Is that whatyoudo now?”

“Me?” Her musical laughter tinkles over the phone. “Hell no. Trinity’s been with the club for a long, long time, that’s all. She’s protective of the brotherhood. Once she’s confident you’ll be good for the club, she’ll be your biggest supporter.”

“Huh. Okay.”Beware of pretty blondes trying to extract information from me.

“Hope’s really sweet,” she continues. “She comes off as laid-back but she’s perceptive. She used to be a lawyer.”

“That’s the president’s wife?”

“Yup. And you know Charlotte from her wedding.”

“I barely spoke to her.” I was so nervous I barely remember anything from that beautiful day.

“She’s nice. You know Lilly from planning my baby shower. If Z’s there this weekend, she’ll probably be there too.”

“I like her.” She’d had alotof ideas for Serena’s baby shower. Saying we planned it together is probably a stretch. Lilly did most of the work.

“Heidi’s the VP’s wife,” Serena says in a more serious tone. “And the treasurer’s sister.”

“Let me guess, she’s also protective of the club and will probably grill me?”

“Notgrillyou. But she’ll definitely size you up and report back to Murphy.” Serena chuckles like this is all normal.

“Do you swear I’m not being lured into a cult?”